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Modular Bed Error 17303  

Active Member
Modular Bed Error 17303

I'm running a dual head XL with the 5.1.2 Firmware.

I'm getting the modular bed error 17303.

When doing the heat bed calibration test it will fail at around 69 degrees with the build plate removed, and it will reset the machine and display error 17303 with the build plate installed.

As per this article I checked the power wiring between the sandwich boards, power supplies, and modular bed.

I even removed the wires from their connectors and checked for continuity. They all measured fine.

The bed tiles look good also, no signs of damage. Cleaned everything as well as I can.

Some videos of the 'Bed Heater Test'

What are the next steps for trouble shooting?

Is there a wiring diagram available?


Posted : 22/02/2024 10:26 pm
RE: Modular Bed Error 17303

I had the same problem without a print bed installed. After installing a print bed (Coted one), it worked for me.

Posted : 24/02/2024 9:13 am