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Missing material profile on XL  

Damian Boizot
Active Member
Missing material profile on XL


When i select CPE in Prusa Slicer and send it to the printer via PrusaConnect, the printer will show an error because when you load the filament you can not select CPE !

Surely all material types that are available in PrusaSlicer should also be available to select on the actual printer ?

I'm new to the Prusa ecosystem, but on my old Marlin based printer, i would edit the Configuration.h file and upload the edited firmware to the printer, which I can't really do on the XL without invalidating the warrantee ... plus i think the code for this thing may be a bit more advanced than i can deal with !

Is this something that Prusa can add in a future firmware update ?


Opublikowany : 08/08/2023 7:54 pm
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