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Manual filament change G-Code sequence  

Eminent Member
Manual filament change G-Code sequence

I am trying to insert a g-code to change a filament on extruder 5 about midway through the print. It would replace a colour no longer required so I can add a sixth color for the rest of the print.

When I try to add it in PrusaSlicer 2.7.1 using the right-click "Add color change (M600) for:" and choose extruder five, the g-code uses a M601 code instead. So the print pauses and does nothing. The M117 code also references the change for extruder 4.

I would like to manually add the proper g-code sequence but am unclear if it is a simple as inserting M600 T5 replacing the M601. Is this correct or are there other parameters that must be used in the sequence?

Many thanks for your assistance.

Opublikowany : 25/01/2024 4:38 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Manual filament change G-Code sequence

I do not have access to an XL, however when I create a 3 colour Job in the XL Profile, i get comments in the G Code like this

you will note that it relates to T0, T1 and T4

T0 is Extruder 1
T1 is Extruder 2 and 
T4 is Extruder 5
(which matches MY filament expectations for the model)

it takes a bit of getting used to,    in coding, 'To' refers to the first entity in the 'T' Variable Range. and s0 0n...   Consequently, you should never see 'T5'  In Prusa XL Gcode!

the snippet of G code below

relates to a filament change in a single filament XL Printer... at layer height Z3.2 millimeters

this shows the traditional      M600 code....      

however when prusa slicer see's this code, it gives a notification :-

I don't have a way to test whether this code would be actioned in real life, outside PRUSA slicer...  

I would consider editing this code, (M600) into your final Gcode, at a point where the desired extruder is active, to force a manual filament change. perhaps you could add gcodes to move the required  Extruder  to an ODD Location say Front Centre of the bed, so that you can immediately reccognise that this is not an actual filament out change, but a commanded change of filament (you can add features to an M600 call to reset the X,Y,Z location of the service stop, (Have a look in the REPRAP Gcodes list, and the Prusa Specific G codes lists on the internet))

I wish you well in your endeavours. 

regards joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 25/01/2024 8:21 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Manual filament change G-Code sequence

Thank you for this excellent explanation. Appreciate the detail and will try to make the adjustments suggested.

Opublikowany : 25/01/2024 12:05 pm