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Initial Fan Check was "difficult"  

M.J. Caboose
Trusted Member
Initial Fan Check was "difficult"

I've read this in another post as well ...

I also had some serious trouble to perform the initial fan check ... Always one or another fan were displayed as faults ...
In each run the result was a kind of random ... in most cases it was the print fan of extruder 3 and the cooling fan of extruder 4 ... either one, or the other .. or both ... occasionally also the cooling fan of extruder 1 jumped in to participate ... Al fans were spinning freely ... But within 20 runs or so I never was able to get the green checkmark.
Since the result was somewhat random I assumed a bus / communication issue between the dwarfs and the boards. But reseating the extension card and the connectors didn't solve the problem.

I decided to go on with the calibration ignoring previous erros and was able to walk through the rest of them without problems ...

In the end I ran the fan check again and it succeeded ... Well ... I decided to not try it again ... ever ...

But I am still a little bit concerned that this problem might appear during printing with the different extruders and stopps the print due to fan issues.

Any experiences here?

I continued

- Made by me -

Respondido : 15/10/2023 1:16 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Initial Fan Check was "difficult"

Definitely similar to my experience and the same solution.  I just kept retrying until it was happy because I could tell all of them were actually spinning just by looking at them and listening to them.  No idea if the Prusa assembled Nextruders secretly have pinched wires, or if there is an issue in the firmware that messes with the ability to correctly read the RPMs, or anything else I haven't thought of yet...  But what I can absolutely say is that there was nothing getting into any of my carefully docked tool fans that was stopping them from turning properly and I'm sure you were in the same boat on that.

Respondido : 15/10/2023 2:46 pm
Active Member
RE: Initial Fan Check was "difficult"

I had the same problem. And every time I ran it I received a different failure!

I updated the firmware and had the same results. Finished all the other test and after two prints it finally went all green.

Respondido : 25/11/2023 8:08 pm
Nikhil S.
Trusted Member
RE: Initial Fan Check was "difficult"

One more data point.  I got my printer a few days ago, and after assembling the fully-assembled printer, I immediately flashed the new release version of the firmware.  I then had a similar result.  The fan test failed on the first run and succeeded on the second run.  I'm with you in thinking this doesn't inspire confidence.  Maybe they are reading fan RPMs using old-school bit-banging instead of reading PWM values and thus the clock timing has to be perfect.

Brand new to 3D printing and my 5-tool XL is my first 3D Printer!Check out my Multi-Tool fork of PrusaSlicer to mix and match nozzle sizes.

Respondido : 04/12/2023 3:50 pm
Noble Member
RE: Initial Fan Check was "difficult"

my unit was fully assembled and did the same.  Loosen the fans and retighten hand tight only.  Then run again.  

Respondido : 08/12/2023 1:41 am
RE: Initial Fan Check was "difficult"

Yes, I have the same problem.  I haven't resolved the problem, but like the suggestion to go for hand tight screws.


Respondido : 11/12/2023 3:42 am