Waiting on Delivery... What prints are needed based on existing problems?
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Waiting on Delivery... What prints are needed based on existing problems?  

Trusted Member
Waiting on Delivery... What prints are needed based on existing problems?

I'm waiting on my XL 5T due mid April (Hurry Up!)  After reading many posts about historical problems (stringing, gummed up nozzles, etc.), it's not clear what are the current common problems.  What prints should I print first to correct problems that are still existing on the XL.  Are nozzle cleaning brushes still needed along with the little collecting bins?  Please share what prints you feel are still a must.  I'm not looking for personal customizations.


Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 6 months von Scisok
Veröffentlicht : 29/03/2024 4:58 pm
Illustrious Member

A scraper might be useful, otherwise none.

Don't be fooled by the forum, most users have no untoward problems with their XL's - mine is quiet, doesn't string, doesn't blob, doesn't have any of the problems we see here; that's why I don't contribute to the Xl problem fixing threads, I have no experience of them.

Do make a religion of drying your filaments and keeping the print-sheet clean.  Do unload the printer any time you will not be printing for a few hours.   Do work your way up in complexity - first one extruder, then two, and so on, waiting to use all five with different materials until you have built a little experience.

Don't house the machine in a distant, cold, outbuilding and operate it remotely - we have a whole class of complaints from users who expect it to work seamlessly with filament loaded yesterday and no manual intervention.

...and have fun.


Veröffentlicht : 29/03/2024 6:12 pm
Asus1357 gefällt das
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Waiting on Delivery... What prints are needed based on existing problems?

Thanks for the good info.  This isn’t my 1st printer.  But it is hard to tell what problems remain so I appreciate your comments on your success with the XL, especially with the multi head.   I’m getting the semi assembled kit.  So many of the problems sound like poor assembly of the kits or bad setup of slicer parameters but until I get mine I won’t know for sure. 

Veröffentlicht : 29/03/2024 6:37 pm
Asus1357 gefällt das
Illustrious Member

Take your time, read all the comments on the build manual pages - and you will be fine.


Veröffentlicht : 29/03/2024 7:46 pm