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Oh goodness, now I can't complete my pre-order  

Trusted Member
Oh goodness, now I can't complete my pre-order

Waiting almost 2 years and now when I try to upgrade from the 2 head to the 5 head I get an error that the printer won't move to the cart and says I am unable to complete the order.  All it will do is let me continue the order for the 2 head printer. 

It is not worth just getting the 2 head for me now...  

Apparently this was an issue yesterday that was supposed to have been fixed. 

Seems like the universe is pulling out all the stops to keep my wife from killing me when she sees this thing show up to the door.....

Respondido : 26/10/2023 6:52 pm
RE: Oh goodness, now I can't complete my pre-order

I'm getting a similar error - when I change configuration it says shipping cart is empty and then I can't proceed.

Respondido : 27/10/2023 11:31 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Oh goodness, now I can't complete my pre-order

Correct that is the exact error I get. I have emailed with no response and chat now has a 45 minute delay....

Respondido : 27/10/2023 2:52 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Big update!!!!

I contacted support on chat and they had to update and change my order manually to the 5 head. 

Just had to refresh the browser and boom, 5 head bought and paid for!!!

No hopefully by the time it gets here I will have a mobile cart built and most of the major bugs are fixed....

Respondido : 27/10/2023 4:52 pm