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Large print bed mesh probing failure.  

Large print bed mesh probing failure.

My multi-tool XL of late has been cranky about printing some large polycarbonate parts for the enclosure i am building for it.  Repeatedly failing to finish the probing process in the far right corner of the build plate always ending with the dreaded thumping of the motors trying to go too far when lowering to touch the bed.  If I keep the print far away from there as possible i can usually get it to not probe there and thus print but thus far running the various Z axis and tool height calibrations has done nothing. I also reprinted the upper Z axis bearing blocks in polycarbonate just in case maybe the prolonged high bed temps for these big prints caused a problem I have also tried three different plates two with just a couple of prints on them as well as making sure nothing was under the plate and the plate was as fully seated as possible.  All I can think of is maybe the magnetic tile there is loose in some non obvious way and makes it hard for the load cell to detect touching the plate there. I am not super excited to fuss with the support frame or the magnetic tiles so I am curious if anyone has suggestions.

Postato : 09/04/2024 4:33 am
Famed Member
RE: Large print bed mesh probing failure.

Have you tried removing the two z rod covers? I had to do this for one print, in my case it was the front right corner giving problems. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Postato : 09/04/2024 9:25 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Large print bed mesh probing failure.

I replaced the bearing holders at the top of the z rods with new ones but i haven't touched the covers at the bottom of the rods. Is that what you mean?


Postato : 09/04/2024 5:09 pm