HAALLP! NO POWER after sitting off for 2 weeks - XL two head
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HAALLP! NO POWER after sitting off for 2 weeks - XL two head  

Active Member
HAALLP! NO POWER after sitting off for 2 weeks - XL two head


I have been running my printer without any issues accept the rare an occasional extruder thermal runaway error after maybe a days worth of continuous printing, but again its so rare and random i haven't investigated, but I dont see how that would effect this.


I turned off my printer and had not been using it for a couple weeks. Today turned on the power button on back, and didn't hear the usual fans. Looked and the light on the main power button is illuminated but no fans, no LCD screen, nothing. Is there supposed to be light coming out of the other two buttons in this image? they had covers over them so I don't remember seeing them illuminated before this issue.

I have checked and followed both of these threads and tried those solutions but found no disconnected wires.



I continuity checked the wire ribbon from the LCD to the back of the printer, its fine. I get continuity through all 3 power switch fuses. I dont have any new seperate fuses but did rotate them all in the various locations and didnt get any change. I figured if one of the fuses was bad in the two power modules then when it was put into the slot for the main power switch it would not work, but they all did when in this slot.

I am stuck.



Napsal : 20/09/2024 8:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: HAALLP! NO POWER after sitting off for 2 weeks - XL two head

update, noticed 5 amp flat fuse was blown on sandwich board. Replaced it, and it popped the second I flipped the power switch... 

Napsal : 20/09/2024 11:22 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: HAALLP! NO POWER after sitting off for 2 weeks - XL two head

plugged new fuse in again, minute power was flipped on, this tiny thing near D2 on the sandwich board flashed and the fuse popped. its pretty close to where the 5 amp flat fuse is

Napsal : 20/09/2024 11:58 pm
Illustrious Member

OK, you have narrowed the location of the fault enough to take this to Prusa Support (chat) with useful evidence - have your printer's serial number ready and copy these posts to them.

They have to take anything that pops fuses very seriously.


Napsal : 21/09/2024 8:21 am
dmitch se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: HAALLP! NO POWER after sitting off for 2 weeks - XL two head

agreed, I have done a couple chats, they are elevating my case to another team. i will report out with a summary of our findings so that others can learn from it.

Napsal : 24/09/2024 6:08 pm