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Endless Issues?  

Estimable Member
Endless Issues?

Folks I'm in a spot. We are a nonprofit printing prosthetics in a remote area. Getting stuff in here is a challenge but it can be done. We have had great results with our Mk3S+ printers for three years and thousands of hours. We developed a prosthetic for which we needed more space and multimaterial abilities like TPU/PETG. So we had some fundraising and got a two head XL. When it works it's fantastic but honestly it's down as much as it works. First there were all sorts of transient issues with the control screen. Customer Support seemed lost. Then I remembered similar issues with an industrial CNC router and put ferrite rings on in a number of locations and that went away. Then a brand new thermistor failed and while they replaced it they sent it to our ocean freight forwarder instead of our air forwarder like I asked. Two months later I get it and get running again. Two days later now it prints five layers of a smaller TPU part and the extruder stops. Every time. The filament is coming in from overhead so no dragging in a tube. I have reloaded firmware for the 10th time or more and as usual it doesn't solve anything. If I shut down and restart it will do the same thing.  I'm now so far behind on work it has become a big issue. Worse people who had great hopes of receiving a prosthetic have to be told that right now nothing is coming and that hurts our reputation. I can't keep a chat connection and so resort to email which always takes four days of more lost time.  I greatly envy you who have them that just run. Any ideas on a solution other than pitching this very expensive brick in the river? We are getting very desperate. What happened to the Prusa we used to know, this is becoming a circus but a sad frustrating one. We are out the money, those who donated to us want to know what is going on and we can't seem to get good answers. I have sent of yet another email to Prusa support but reading forums there seems to be a lot of this issue and precious few solutions. We are running latest firmware 6.3.1. dry all filaments since we are after all in the tropics. Have the fan mod on the control board. This is not a hobby, we change lives with what we do. But we can't if our equipment won't run. We are advising others in the world who want to do what we do and I no longer know who to recommend for printers. There's over 1.4 million people in the world who need prosthetics like this and we are trying to develop a solid program but at theis point I'm beginning to suspect Prusa is no longer a safe bet. But we need this one to run or we lose a complete model line. Frustrated to the extreme!

Publié : 15/10/2024 1:04 am
Reputable Member
RE: Endless Issues?

I don't have any suggestions other than I can try to print on my XL and see if I have any issues.   Can you upload the 3mf file? 

I have not had any issues with my 5 head with regular printing.  TPU is finicky on the XL and depending on the TPU your using the settings can vary greatly.  I've actually had the best luck with hotter temps and minimal retraction. 

I'll also note that you might think you're filament is dry but it's probably not.  I keep mine and print directly from dry boxes with 15% relative humidity.  My suspect is your moisture is higher than that and TPU in particular is hygroscopic which means it will absorb any moisture from the air.  That wouldn't necessarily explain the extruder just stopping but it could lead to poor print quality especially with TPU. 

If you upload the file I'll take a look at the settings and see if I can make any recommendations as well as trying to print it to see if I have issues.  I will also note that I print from my dry box through Bowden tube  I skipped the side sensor but I still have quite a bit of tubing that I drag through and still print without issue. 

Can you also please provide information on the filament you're using including the hardness? 

Publié : 15/10/2024 1:57 am
Acht a aimé
Eminent Member

@sailoreric, are you feeding your tpu by the PTFE tubes or directly to the extruder?

You should disable the side filament sensor and feed it, from above, directly to the extruder, because the tubes drags the filament 

Ce message a été modifié il y a 4 hours par Ro3Deee
Publié : 15/10/2024 6:18 am
Acht a aimé
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