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5 head semi/assembled shipping window?  

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Honorable Member
5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

The five-tool semi-assembled printers will be ready in the week of August 7th

I noticed that the two head semi assembled shipped the week before.  Does that mean that they were all shipped that week? And then they start in on the five head models?  But there is no indication of how long those will take to ship?

Veröffentlicht : 29/07/2023 4:32 am
Estimable Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

new orders start the end of 2023 lmfao

Veröffentlicht : 29/07/2023 4:59 pm
Honorable Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

I hope that doesn't mean that the orders that they have are going to be filled out over the rest of the year?  It would seem your could interpert it that way.  I think I'm fiarly early first day. A few weeeks ago chat told me only that info would be available in July.


Order 16372452XX

Posted by: @ronnie12342003

new orders start the end of 2023 lmfao


Veröffentlicht : 29/07/2023 5:04 pm
Reputable Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

In the blogs & live-streams, Prusa indicated that the delay between shipping the different models (single-dual-multi-heads, fully-semi-assembled) was because of final design tweaks, writing user-manuals, & training their staff to build & pack each new model. For the single-head fully-assembled model, it took about 3 months for them to get through the first-day orders.  I think they're still shipping second-day orders for that model. I pre-ordered a 5-head semi-assembled model on week 3 of pre-orders (early December), & I don't expect to get it this year. If they increase build & ship capacity, it could come earlier, but they probably shouldn't hire more people than they'll be able to keep busy once the pre-orders clear.

Posted by: @milehigh3der

The five-tool semi-assembled printers will be ready in the week of August 7th

I noticed that the two head semi assembled shipped the week before.  Does that mean that they were all shipped that week? And then they start in on the five head models?  But there is no indication of how long those will take to ship?


Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Veröffentlicht : 30/07/2023 7:40 pm
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

Week of july 24th has come and gone and I've not seen any update about  the fully assembled 5 extruder xl I preordered on 11/18/2021

The two MK3S->MK4 upgrade kits I ordered on 04/01/2023 should ship next week....    

I sure hope this is awesome lol

Veröffentlicht : 03/08/2023 1:38 pm
Honorable Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

Between the Mk4 kit from last week, to the Mk3-3.9 kit that will have DIS and ASSembly, a 5 head XL, and an MMU3, I went out and bought a new cordless screw driver and bits… 🙂

Posted by: @ssill2

Week of july 24th has come and gone and I've not seen any update about  the fully assembled 5 extruder xl I preordered on 11/18/2021

The two MK3S->MK4 upgrade kits I ordered on 04/01/2023 should ship next week....    

I sure hope this is awesome lol


Veröffentlicht : 03/08/2023 2:35 pm
ssill2 gefällt das
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

one day maybe my stuff will ship lol  Good luck!

Posted by: @milehigh3der

Between the Mk4 kit from last week, to the Mk3-3.9 kit that will have DIS and ASSembly, a 5 head XL, and an MMU3, I went out and bought a new cordless screw driver and bits… 🙂

Posted by: @ssill2

Week of july 24th has come and gone and I've not seen any update about  the fully assembled 5 extruder xl I preordered on 11/18/2021

The two MK3S->MK4 upgrade kits I ordered on 04/01/2023 should ship next week....    

I sure hope this is awesome lol



Veröffentlicht : 03/08/2023 2:38 pm
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

still no word from prusa lol,  we are now in the week that the MK3s->mk4 upgrade kits I ordered on 04/01 are supposed to ship.  No word on the fully assembled 5 extruder xl that was supposed to ship the week of the 24th....     I've been super happy with prusa but this really is disappointing.

Veröffentlicht : 08/08/2023 11:50 pm
Win J.
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

FWIW, I just got off with Support Chat.  I have a dual head semi assembled order from just prior to the public reveal of the order page and just got my email last week that I could finalize my order.  Want to upgrade to the 5 head and asked if they are ready to ship yet.  Per the Chat Agent, they should be ready "in the next couple of days".  Fully Assembled will ship first, then semi-assembled.

Veröffentlicht : 09/08/2023 12:31 am
ssill2, FistoWutini und burtronix gefällt das
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

Oh nice!  I hope so! 🙂  thanks!

Posted by: @win-j

FWIW, I just got off with Support Chat.  I have a dual head semi assembled order from just prior to the public reveal of the order page and just got my email last week that I could finalize my order.  Want to upgrade to the 5 head and asked if they are ready to ship yet.  Per the Chat Agent, they should be ready "in the next couple of days".  Fully Assembled will ship first, then semi-assembled.


Veröffentlicht : 09/08/2023 1:38 am
Noble Member

so I just contacted support,  my order 16372792XX ordered on 11/18/2001 is expected to be dispatched the second half of Sept....

This is for the fully assembled 5 extruder XL


Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2023 2:48 pm
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

and also my order of two MK3S->MK4 upgrade kits are now second half of september also.   sigh

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2023 2:57 pm
Estimable Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

whats this back to the future lol 2001

Posted by: @ssill2

so I just contacted support,  my order 16372792XX ordered on 11/18/2001 is expected to be dispatched the second half of Sept....

This is for the fully assembled 5 extruder XL



Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2023 4:57 pm
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

wow lol, clearly I need more coffee.  that should be 2021 haha

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2023 4:58 pm
Win J.
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

Jumped on chat again and asked if they had opened up the 5 head yet so Incan upgrade and finalize yet and she said “within the next 2 weeks”.  Since each windows on the shipping table has passed I expect an update shortly.

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2023 5:14 pm
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

fingers crossed!

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2023 5:16 pm
Win J.
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

I need to stock up on filament before it gets here.  I have a couple of big jobs waiting on it.  I’ve waited this long, a couple of more weeks isn’t going to kill me.  I also need to decide on a table/bench for it to live on.

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2023 5:21 pm
Win J.

Anyone seeing system messages when the post in a language other than the language set on the drop down?



Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2023 5:22 pm
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

yeah, I'm kind of the same mind about it.   I'd rather it be right and not rushed.   I'm not one of those folks that was silly and sold printers off before I had new ones in hand lol  I have 2 working MK3S+ printers and the XL will be in addition.   It's annoying, but meh, I have time.  these are for hobby only anyway

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2023 5:23 pm
Win J.
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

My hobby has infiltrated my work life.  I print off models for missions we are supporting for our control center.  With my MMU2S I get acceptable results, but am looking to up my game with the XL with the tool changer for color changes.

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2023 5:46 pm
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