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Toolhead 3 "blocked" from loading  

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Toolhead 3 "blocked" from loading

Fully assembled, 5 toolhead, just got the "finishing touches" assembled on Sunday - 1 color "first layer" sample printed fine.

Today, trying to load all 5 filaments (Prusament PLA), first 2 loaded no issue. #3 is blocked. Best description to see the problem: open idler, stick a piece of filament down the top of the nozzle " heat break pipe" and it goes down to just where the "heatbreak" would be and just stops. Gears haven't been able to push it down (nor pushing on filament on side of printer, no removing PTFE tube and pushing from there). Hotend temp says 215 on the screen, and while I didn't leave my finger tip on the nozzle for long, certainly felt hot for the few milliseconds I left it there.

I am able to get a acupuncture needle "all" the way in from nozzle side or pipe side, though I don't have one long enough (unless the one that came with XL is, didn't check) to be able to see the tip come through the "heat break pipe" top, but certainly goes way past where the "blockage" is.

I did order some spare nozzles yesterday (not for this problem, but just in case), but don't have them yet. Guess I could do a nozzle change from a another head or use the adapter, but wanted to check to see if this was something anyone else had ran into first? I hear Support Chat is quite backed up, so, thought I'd try here first as I can't sit in front of computer waiting right now.

Postato : 06/11/2023 10:47 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Toolhead 3 "blocked" from loading

There are a lot of reports of weird loading issues.  I’ve had some that didn’t want to load very well, but I got them to load eventually- and then the feed well.

Postato : 07/11/2023 12:38 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Toolhead 3 "blocked" from loading
Posted by: @milehigh3der

There are a lot of reports of weird loading issues.  I’ve had some that didn’t want to load very well, but I got them to load eventually- and then the feed well.

Thank you for the info. Not sure what the problem is, saw that I could email versus chat Prusa Support, so I did that. Will see if they have any hints.

Postato : 07/11/2023 1:13 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Toolhead 3 "blocked" from loading

And I aborted... which moved to T4, then T5 and they both loaded great. Decided to go back one more time to T3, and wow! it works all the sudden. Freaky. Something in the tool change messing up something in the heat break? Freaky.

Postato : 07/11/2023 1:40 am
MME hanno apprezzato
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Spoke too soon. The color Keychain printed,  but not even sure Toolhead 3 was used. Today, tried printing the 5-color Gear thing from the USB… Toolhead 3 isn’t extruding at all.

grrrr. Something wrong with it. 🙁

Postato : 12/11/2023 1:35 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Toolhead 3 "blocked" from loading

hmmm, seeing other threads about not actually being at the show temperature, makes me wonder if the thermistor is bad or something. I guess I could try replacing that and seeing if there are any changes.

Postato : 12/11/2023 11:21 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Not sure if this is normal where the set screw tightens or if somehow they applied too much force or otherwise made this flat.

I had ordered spares last week, and new one doesn’t have a flat section and this is the first place it stops (can force through) and then it goes a bit further (heat break area) and would stop again (again, more force) until it gets to the nozzle tip where it should stop. There was also a lot of marking on the bottom 20mm of the filament I was hand testing with after removing the nozzle assembly. 

Printing 5-color first layer, of course it evidently doesn’t use Tool3 for the first couple of layers evidently. Mistake if you ask me, should be a couple of octagons and lines in each of the 5 colors to ensure all 5 tool heads have a good first layer.

The loading was perfect though, so think that fixed that part and I am not expecting further issues. 

Printed a the 5-color gear, while missing all the T3 two gears. Came out great. A little stringing and this stuck colors on the outer wall on the way to wipe tower, but looked awesome compared to other YouTube videos I have seen.

Postato : 12/11/2023 3:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Toolhead 3 "blocked" from loading

Yes, T3 is the “XL” in the middle and it printed fine. So that fixed me.

Postato : 12/11/2023 4:31 pm
New Member
RE: Toolhead 3 "blocked" from loading

I had a few filaments where I needed to disconnect the PTFE tube on the extruder end, manually straighten the filament a bit, and then push it through again.  There was a mod I saw that put a straight connector to stabilize the tube on the extruder but haven't tried it yet.

Postato : 13/11/2023 2:34 pm