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Tool offset calibration error  

Active Member
Tool offset calibration error

Running through the first calibration and the test fails on the first head. 

raising the bed, the tool head touches the print sheet and the bed lowers to allow removal of the sheet and installation of the pin. I install the pin finger tight using the pin tool and the first tool head moves to touch the pin but stops about 5mm too high. The tool then moves sideways 10mm, the display appears to reboot (bootloader screen) and the error screen comes up.  Troubleshooting implies the only possible failure is that the pin is not installed. 

firmware version 5.1.2


any suggestions?

Veröffentlicht : 11/01/2024 1:13 am
Honorable Member
RE: Tool offset calibration error

I had an issue, but I had set the head incorrectly on the ‘ribbon’ with two holes.  Maybe run the bed leveling again? Isn’t there a step to move the platform all the way up by hand or something?

Before I could figure out the issue with my miscalibrating head, I unplugged it so that it skipped that one head.  It was 3 of 5, not the first one.  But if you unplug the first one, it might start with #2, and that way you can determine if it is something with the head or the printer in general.

Veröffentlicht : 11/01/2024 3:07 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Tool offset calibration error

After running the test multiple times it finally passed. Now that I’ve seen the entire process, the error appears to be that the system was, indeed, spontaneously rebooting just before the bed moves to cause the first touch. On reboot and recovery, the system appears to remember that it was in the process of offset calibration and flags the condition as an error in the process without realizing that it was a reboot that caused the failure. 

So the question becomes whether or not there’s an intermittent or unusual bug in the software or there’s some intermittent or spurious condition in hardware causing the spontaneous and unplanned reboot.  

Veröffentlicht : 11/01/2024 11:50 am