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Pursa XL 5 head kit - Heatbed error  

Active Member
Pursa XL 5 head kit - Heatbed error

Finished assembling my XL - 5 head and on first boot ran in to a heatbed issue.
"Heatbed tile #7: Damaged tile or wiring. Error #17250

To date I have done the following with no resolution:
1.  Swapped cables with another tile -- same error
2.  Updated the firmware to most current version
3.  Tech support sent a new tile and installed it -- same error
4.  Checked voltage on all three power supplies -- all at 24 volts
5.  Tech support sent a new heatbed controller, cable, and tile -- installed all parts -- same error
6.  Removed screws from heatbed controller and let it hang by cables under bed -- same error
7.  Confirmed that heatbed controller has metal shield

Open to suggestions and comments. I have been working on this for weeks and starting to get frustrated that I have a printer I waited 2 years for and I can't even boot it up.


Opublikowany : 27/02/2024 2:51 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Pursa XL 5 head kit - Heatbed error

1. Swapped cables with another tile -- same error

Did the error follow the tile or stay with the cable/position?

When you switch connection so that #7 thinks it's #6 and vice versa does the error stay with the tile or move with the connection?

Try swapping the cables with those on a good tile keeping the connection as the machine expects - does the error stay with the tile or move with the cables?


Opublikowany : 27/02/2024 4:41 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Pursa XL 5 head kit - Heatbed error

Tested that as well.  Error stays on tile #7.

Opublikowany : 27/02/2024 4:47 pm
Illustrious Member

Very strange.  If the tile (also the new one) was faulty the error would move with it to the alternate connection.

If the cable was faulty the error would move with it.  Is there anything that might be shorting? - though the dangling error tends to rule out anything simple.

If the controller was faulty the error would stay with #7 but for two controllers to show the same error is extremely unlikely ...

So the next step is the communication between the controller and cpu - reseating plugs and testing cables would be first, perhaps Prusa Support could help with some diagnostic tests or suggest how to read the signals ... that #7 is three high bits might be significant.

Is there any damage under the tile mounting points?

I have no experience of this problem and you are the first to report  it here so I would be fascinated to learn the cause.


Opublikowany : 27/02/2024 11:08 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Pursa XL 5 head kit - Heatbed error

Thank you for your thoughts.  I am working with tech support and waiting for a next step email.  Looking at the bed, both the upper side and lower side, I do not see any damage.  Everything looks sound to me.  I did pull and re-seat the data plug on both end to check that.  Also looked for pinched wires.

I also thing it is odd the error does not move to a different tile.

Thanks again for your thoughts.


Opublikowany : 28/02/2024 2:29 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Pursa XL 5 head kit - Heatbed error

This says its not the tile, from memory the cables are part of the tile, so i would argue its that large controller under the heater bed.

Posted by: @dhenss

1.  Swapped cables with another tile -- same error

Many Thanks

Opublikowany : 09/03/2024 1:08 am