First calibration issue drags first head on the bed Step 20-21
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First calibration issue drags first head on the bed Step 20-21  

First calibration issue drags first head on the bed Step 20-21

I must be missing something here on an XL5 semi-assembled. During the toolset offset calibration. The wizard instructs you to put a steel sheet onto the bed and then the 1st head is selected and drawn out to the far left edge of the bed and the bed is raised up and the 1st touches the bed and then is raised up and sent back to the docu the toolhead, but it contacts the left rear of the bed and the extrusion scratching both. The toolhead did not appear to touch when it was pulled out but I'm looking for an idea of what to do, as I'm missing something here.

Napsal : 17/03/2024 6:01 am
Estimable Member
RE: First calibration issue drags first head on the bed Step 20-21

Check that the frame is square. Using a torch check where you connected all the extrusions, making sure that they are all seated correctly with no gaps. This is very important.

Napsal : 29/03/2024 8:46 am
Reputable Member
RE: First calibration issue drags first head on the bed Step 20-21

The tool doesn't move up/down at all on the XL. Sounds like your nozzle isn't properly installed and it slipped/fell enough to contact things.


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Napsal : 30/03/2024 8:40 am