Maybe Problem with Calibrating Filament Sensor
When I am calibrating the filament sensors,
I found two I think are problems with Extractor Head #3.
1. When I start the calibration the Tool Exchanger only makes contact with Extractor Head #3 where the others, Tool Exchanger only removes the Extractor Head from its attach bed.
2. When I am feed the filament into the side sensor only sensor #3 only show “[“ symbol before and after the filament going through the sensor. The others will show “Off” and “On” as it goes through the sensor
First check the electrical connections.
Is thiss a printer that has previously been running OK or are you setting up a new printer?
RE: Maybe Problem with Calibrating Filament Sensor
This a previously two extractor head printer that I am upgrading to five extractor head printer
Swap the suspect nextruder with one of your-known-to-be-working ones; does the fault move with the nextruder or stay with the dock and side sensor?