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Mods to queit down the XL  

Active Member
Mods to queit down the XL

I made a few mods to quiet down the XL.  The extruder is the worst offender and still needs some work, but the changes I made have really helped quiet it down from where I normally sit.

Posted : 18/07/2023 11:03 pm
MME liked
RE: Mods to queit down the XL

The loudest thing for me is the filament runout sensor.  It sounds like creaking wood and I haven't found a way to make it quieter yet.

Posted : 18/08/2023 5:53 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Mods to queit down the XL

Same issue

Posted : 11/09/2023 5:53 am
Trusted Member
RE: Mods to queit down the XL

i'm getting terrible resonance from what seems to the the xy-frame during certain directions of travel and speeds.

if the side filament sensor is your current offender, maybe this helps:

i can't confirm a filement sensor being noisy on my printer, it is overall too loud to detect a quiet creaking sound...

Posted : 17/09/2023 11:05 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Mods to queit down the XL

Compared to a MK3s it's makes a lot of noise while moving in some directions. 

My first thoughts were to isolate the bottom plate (underneath) + side walls on the inside (you could even add inner side plates after that). It resonates/echo's a lot at certain movements.

A self adhesive black foam material (just like what's underneath the headbed but thicker) would be nice. 

Don't forget to check out 😀

Posted : 22/10/2023 10:10 am
Estimable Member
RE: Mods to queit down the XL

I performed a couple of the mods from the above video (ear plug material "padding" on the inside edges of the fan shroud, and a piece of sound deadening material on the cover to the love board) and it significantly reduced the rattling.   Most of the noise does indeed seem to come from certain parts of the toolhead that can be easily tightened up to reduce it.

Posted : 28/10/2023 12:19 am
Parts Depot
Active Member
RE: Mods to queit down the XL

I added dampeners to the motors and that quieted down the printer a bit. I'm thinking of replacing the fans too but typically Prusa uses good quality fans from Delta or Noctua so I don't know if that will do much. I'm also looking for a good size cement plinth to isolate it, but am having trouble finding one large enough - I do not want to get a custom one if I can avoid it (expensive). Seriously, this thing needs an enclosure with insulated walls or an active heater. I have also used isolating pads that are used in automotive audio shops - they're like dense rubber lined with thick foil and have a strong adhesive liner.

Posted : 28/10/2023 12:27 am
Estimable Member
RE: Mods to queit down the XL

At the moment I am still waiting for my XL. But for the MK3S this Ikea cupboard inlay works quite well. I operate the MK3S (Bear mod) on an Ikea Lack table with enclosure.

Ikea VARIERA 800.128.53

On one side there is a structure. I folded it in that way, that the structure is inside (so structure against structure). I placed it under the feet.

Posted : 28/10/2023 8:23 am
Eminent Member
RE: Mods to queit down the XL

Thought I’d add the original posters @hanselcj’s follow on video on quieting the print head, as people might find this useful too:

One observation I’d make is that some of Prusa’s designers seem to struggle with the final 20% of polish in places. Watching this video it does strike me that it should have been possible and relatively simple to design out these rattles in the print head with small improvements to the parts or manufacturing themselves. I’d love to get my hands on the CAD files 🙂

I guess at least they’re open to user involvement/ improvement and it’s not all closed source like some others.

Posted : 28/10/2023 9:15 am
Eminent Member
RE: Mods to queit down the XL

Please check out the Alpha 6.0 firmware ( This has pretty much resolved my complaint. Time will tell if it is a complete solution but it has completely changed my machine for the better. 

Posted : 29/02/2024 3:27 am