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SL1 UV LED fan out of range  

New Member
SL1 UV LED fan out of range

I purchased a pre-built SL1 and have unboxed it and gone through the setup. The machine reports the UV LED fan is out of range (I acknowledged the error and everything else checked out). Firmware is up to date (1.4.2). I do hear a fan running when I run the wizard. I laid it on its side and unscrewed the fan assembly and the two wire groups were attached correctly. I have not looked anywhere else. I re-assembled it and ran the wizard and it still reports UV LED fan is out of range. 

Any further ideas on troubleshooting? Thank you. Really eager to print something!

Opublikowany : 22/02/2021 4:27 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: SL1 UV LED fan out of range

Anyone? I've written Prusa and have gotten no reply. I have a boat anchor at this point. How do you get warranty support?

Opublikowany : 24/02/2021 1:10 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: SL1 UV LED fan out of range

Don't normally check the resin forum as I don't have one but warranty support is best accessed by logging into the prusa shop website and waiting for the support chat window/popup to appear.  Be aware that various pop up blockers and proxies etc can stop it appearing though.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that emails to prusa can take day/weeks to be answered but the support chat is quick.

Opublikowany : 24/02/2021 2:37 pm
Eminent Member
RE: SL1 UV LED fan out of range

Hey there,


I have "kinda" the same problem:

Sometimes, when I start the first print of the day, I get the same error; that the fan is running on too low rpm.

Restarting the print (because it aborts automatically) solves it and gives me no message.

I dont know what is causing this issue. The fan is running (opened the front cover and looked inside), no obstruction through cables (disassebled it and checked).


Opublikowany : 09/05/2021 6:48 pm
Trader Sam
New Member
RE: SL1 UV LED fan out of range

I've been getting that warning, too. It usually happens on the first print of the day, and I can even hear the fan not running at full speed. When I restart the print, it goes away, and the fan seems to run just fine.

I am also starting to get layer shifts in my prints. Prints start out just fine, but then the layers appear to "shift," resulting in horrible layer lines. I've recalibrated 3-4 times, making sure to crank down the screws so that the build platform doesn't move.

I've been speaking to a tech representative, and he says my printer's temps are too high. High temps, he says, could result in my printing errors. I think my right blower fan is kicking the bucket and not cooling the UV LED as efficiently. I did a test print of the tower, and the bottom half came out looking great! The upper half not so much. We're still troubleshooting this; I sent him an update today.

Opublikowany : 04/05/2022 2:51 am
Trader Sam
New Member
RE: SL1 UV LED fan out of range

I'm currently printing another Tower test. I wanted to try leveling my printer (the whole printer) and rolling the firmware back to 1.6.4 from 1.6.6 just to see if anything would change. So far, no warnings or errors.

Opublikowany : 04/05/2022 3:33 am
Trader Sam
New Member

First off, I should note that I am on the Sl1S printer.

Well, rolling back to the 1.4.6 firmware didn't help any, so I reverted to the current (at this time) 1.6.6. The tech suggested that I try using a different resin to rule out bad/expired resin causing the bad prints. The tower still came out looking bad, and I got another #10714 error. This time, I took a video to record the sound of the fan and uploaded it to YouTube.

I was told that the fan definitely doesn't sound right, and the latest log shows that the temps are still high. So, they're sending me a both a new blower fan and a new UV LED fan. Hopefully this will resolve the "layer shifts" and I can get back to printing.

The help from Prusa has been really great. I've only had customer service like this once before from the folks at WordPress, and that was many years ago.

This post was modified 3 years temu 2 times by Trader Sam
Opublikowany : 05/05/2022 8:33 pm