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Why So Quiet In Here?  

Prominent Member
Why So Quiet In Here?

Finally took the plunge and ordered SL1 a few days ago. Then started reading all I could to prepare.


I'm surprised and disappointed there are so few discussions ongoing in this section of the forum and I'm getting concerned that I have just spent what is a considerable amount of money for me on a product that is unpopular or flawed in some way.


Call it buyers remorse or whatever, but does the SL1 at least live up to the marketing? Does it work as well as advertised?


Hopefully it does and everyone is too busy churning out perfect prints without problems to be filling the forums, but I have to ask:


Why is it so quiet in here?


Veröffentlicht : 25/05/2020 5:54 am
Noble Member
RE: Why So Quiet In Here?

I don't know why it is so quiet here, but you are right. With the Anycubic and Peopoly printers at a much lower price point, the SL1 is a very unpopular printer. But there are also very less SL1 specific problems.

Compared to the Mars reviews I've seen so far, my SL1 is the way better machine. Even resolution and print quality are better. (Don't know if it has a better LCD or it's simply the antialiasing)

I usually print on 0.035 mm layer height. With this setting, I can't see any layers at all. To set up a resin profile for this layer height, you simply need to multiply the determined exposure times (resin calibration with 0.05mm layer height) by 0.7 (70%).

Veröffentlicht : 25/05/2020 8:09 am
Noble Member
RE: Why So Quiet In Here?

Not a SL1 owner but generally people post when they are unhappy or have a problem.

Veröffentlicht : 25/05/2020 1:19 pm