Water immersion UV curing at specific temperature for enhanced part properties?
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Water immersion UV curing at specific temperature for enhanced part properties?  

Estimable Member
Water immersion UV curing at specific temperature for enhanced part properties?

I heard that resin printed parts ,UV cured in water at specific temperature (50+C) will significantly increase overall strenght.

Maybe, just having transparent container could use existing structure for achieving this process?

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Veröffentlicht : 04/06/2019 1:13 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Water immersion UV curing at specific temperature for enhanced part properties?

Disclaimer: Does not have resin experience, but will have an SL1...soon

I have been doing a ton of research and general web browsing for my info. I have never heard of resin prints being cured in water to increase overall strength, but I do know that some cure and wash stations have heated curing stations at around those temps. What it sounds like to me is that the temps are there to accelerate the full cure process while the UV light penetrates the dense resin. The only info I can find on water is that it is used for sticky resin parts that won't fully cure because of the presence of oxygen.

Veröffentlicht : 05/06/2019 5:47 am
Estimable Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Water immersion UV curing at specific temperature for enhanced part properties?

Rumor says that oxygen slows down curing process, so submerged cures better.

Veröffentlicht : 05/06/2019 11:08 am
Trusted Member
RE: Water immersion UV curing at specific temperature for enhanced part properties?
Posted by: hamza.b

Rumor says that oxygen slows down curing process, so submerged cures better.

thats not true generally and there are two types of UV resins, one that requires inertisation in the whole process to keep oxygen out, this one is used in industrial printing presses as this enables them to use very high power UV lights for ultra fast curing without the problem of creating Ozone at the same time.

the other one without inertisation cures slower but thats not because the oxygen is slowing it down its because you dont want to have oxygen around ultra high power UV lights because it will create lots of Ozone.

So for this submerge in water theory to make any sense you would need to have the UV light as well as the printed part submerged and then also replace the UV light with a MUCH stronger one as the water itself will also absorb some light aking curing slower.

Veröffentlicht : 12/06/2019 6:23 am