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typical resin "tank" life?  

New Member
typical resin "tank" life?

I suppose the oxidation, hydration, etc. rates will vary by the material but how long is resin typically "good" for after its been poured into a printer tank? Are we talking days or weeks or months?

Postato : 05/10/2018 4:23 pm
Reputable Member
Re: typical resin "tank" life?

You can cover the tank with plastic wrap or design some kind of cover seal. Then it will keep just as long as in the bottle.
I try not to keep mine open for longer than a week, and so far no problems. However it's better to put it back in a bottle, because shaking the resin every once in a while really helps. If the tank is properly designed there's almost no loss involved when pouring it back.
I keep used bottles around for that purpose so I don't mix used and fresh resin. Also it needs to be filtered at some point (because tiny bits of hardened resin or parts from misprints tend to accumulate in the tank), which for simplicity I do while pouring it back into a bottle.

Postato : 08/10/2018 9:05 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: typical resin "tank" life?

the sl1 cw1 Beta package includes a filter funnel with mesh filter
I expect the final release will too

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 23/03/2019 2:56 am