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Strona 2 / 2
Active Member
RE: Satisfaction?

I really like mine, and I feel like this is a polished solution I bought - although for my application - prototypes of injection molded parts, I will be the first to buy an SLxl with a larger build volume.

Opublikowany : 26/07/2019 9:00 am
New Member
RE: Satisfaction?

We have put around 1.5 liters of resin(Grey,Azure Blue, and Orange) through the machine. So, far it is pretty impressive. The detail of the prints is great. Also I love the faster print times vs. the Form 2. Only one print failure and that was I anticipate was due to lack of supports.   However, clean up from the failure was a breeze.  We have had to change out the FEP film once due to a punctured hole of unknown origin. It was easy to change out the film though.  There are a few issues to it.  I HATE how the resin covers the top of the build plate after a finished print.  It makes removing the build plate POTENTIALLY messy. There is not a good "handle" on the build plate to grab onto. Also  the build volume is smaller than let say a Form 2.   All in all, we don't regret our purchase, and we will be purchasing another one in the near future. 


Opublikowany : 26/07/2019 10:13 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Satisfaction?

Maxwell, just to say I have dropped Sketchup and am learning Fusion 360 as you suggested, it is better for designing and I still have a couple months to wait for my SL-1 KIT so that should work out nicely. Cheers

Opublikowany : 26/07/2019 10:34 pm
Strona 2 / 2