Issues with leading edge of print being exposed to air during tilt.
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Issues with leading edge of print being exposed to air during tilt.  

Active Member
Issues with leading edge of print being exposed to air during tilt.

I ran into a failure yesterday. The SL1 told me I needed at least 60% resin, and detected I had about 60% resin, but I noticed near the end of the print, the leading edge was being pulled out of the resin and getting exposed to the air by the tilt. I used the refill option to put the resin back up to 100%. I came back to a failed finished print, it seems layers started to fail to adhere around the time I refilled or it started getting exposed to the air.

Some questions:

1) Could pausing it to refill have caused the failure to start?

2) Was exposure to air during tilt the reason it started failing?

3) Should we always keep the tank generously full to prevent the part from lifting out of the resin?

Would love to hear other people's experience with this and the SL1. Thanks!

Opublikowany : 12/01/2020 4:56 pm
Active Member
RE: Issues with leading edge of print being exposed to air during tilt.

I, too, got a partially failed print after a refill (which the printer asked for but wasn't really necessary). Not sure if the problem is because the lid is opened (temperature, draft, air...) or because of the pause time until i noticed it was beeping. I have also noticed that the resin sensor is not very precise and usually does not match the physical mark in the vat (it usually gives a lower value).

Opublikowany : 17/01/2020 4:46 pm
David T.
Noble Member
RE: Issues with leading edge of print being exposed to air during tilt.

My print failed too after a refill. I think it is because the resin stood still very long (until I noticed the printer is beeping) and wasn't stirred by tilting the vat. Since then, every time I suspect it might ask for refill, I turn resin sensor off and set an alarm clock to watch it and eventually refill by myself. It prints well even with surprisingly low level of resin in vat, you only need to provide enough resin to cover whole bottom of the vat during printing.

Opublikowany : 18/01/2020 9:19 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Issues with leading edge of print being exposed to air during tilt.

Sounds like the print being lifted out of the resin isn't a known issue with failed prints. 

Opublikowany : 18/01/2020 1:42 pm