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How to access print files on SL1 from a PC?  

How to access print files on SL1 from a PC?

Just completed assembling the SL1 kit and connected it to my local WiFi access point.

I know files can be send from PrusaSlicer via "Send to printer" button or moved on the USB stick, but I would like to manage print files on the SL1 from a Linux command line, file explorer or similar (MS Windows).

I am used to do this on my MK2.5 and MK3S with FlashAir (DAV) memory cards and would like to do it with my SL1 too.

I can solve the problem, buying another FlashAir memory card and an adapter, but SL1 has build in network and a powerfull processor - it should be easy to support a file sharing service.
Have tried usual programs like FTP, DAV, SSH, SFTP... using web browser I only get a black page with the text "Currently not printing.".

Is it possible to copy/move/rename files on SL1 to/from the PC (Windows/Linux) and how?

Have a look at my models on 😉

Publié : 05/09/2019 12:29 am
Active Member
RE: How to access print files on SL1 from a PC?

I port scanned my SL1 and only port 8080 was open. 


Publié : 06/09/2019 2:42 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
RE: How to access print files on SL1 from a PC?

Has Prusa published the source yet?  I assume the web interface is running on the A64/Linux board, I'm sure somebody more skilled than me (possibly at Prusa!) will improve this over time.  Wish list:

- full Octoprint style interface showing all files resident on the printer

- Full front panel control from the web interface. 

Example workflow:  Have an octopi/webcam pointing at the printer.  From downstairs, use the web interface to say "raise the print fully out of the resin at the next detach".  Inspect the print through the camera.  If there is a problem, abort the print. 

I'll be at the printer to launch each job, calibrate, fill with resin, but remote monitoring beyond "% complete" would be nice.


Publié : 06/09/2019 5:41 pm
Noble Member
RE: How to access print files on SL1 from a PC?
Posted by: paul.m27

Has Prusa published the source yet?

The sources are on Gitlab this time.

Publié : 06/09/2019 5:46 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to access print files on SL1 from a PC?

Thanks for the answers.

As the SL1 interface was running on Linux, I assumed that files could be accessed remotely, but... no.

A feature list for SL1 could be:

  • Remote access to files (Samba/FTP/DAV etc).
  • Octoprint interface.
  • Web interface to control printer (as from front panel).

Have a look at my models on 😉

Publié : 06/09/2019 11:35 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
RE: How to access print files on SL1 from a PC?

One interesting possibility: it has a USB port connected to the A64/Linux board.  If that is a full USB port, the A64 definitely has the power to handle a USB Webcam.  True remote monitoring (at least once the build platform bottom is above the tank top).

Publié : 07/09/2019 12:07 am
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