How dangerous IPA really is?
I would love to know what do you guys think about how dangerous IPA really is. My room is not well ventillated but still decent when I open the window a bit. What worries me the most is the risk of combustion of the fumes. I live in Canada so it is a bit cold, I thus need a warmer or my resin wont work if the window is open. I was wondering if the fumes from the IPA when I work with it to clean my tools, or when I transfill it in and out of the CW1 tank could get ignited by the warmer. I read it need 2% of IPA in the air to ignite but how much that really is? Would I pass out even before that threshold?
RE: How dangerous IPA really is?
You should be far more worried about smell from the resin itself.
Any air cleaner with active carbon filter can absorb IPA fumes very effectively.