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Here's how I store resin left in the vat...  

Active Member
Here's how I store resin left in the vat...

Hey folks!

Though I'd share how I've been storing small volumes of resin that remain after a printing session.

Small dark bottles are cumbersome for me, tipping over as I try to finesse the right-handed tray tilt with the left-handed funnel/bottle grip. Looks like I'm playing a musical instrument with one hand and conducting with the other. It's a great proof that entropy is alive and well, and the mess is never worth the resin I'm trying to save.

So, here's my work-around.

1. Funnel sits easily in Snack size Ziplock bag supported by a shallow Tupperware container.

2. Bag zipped for later use and labelled.

3. Store in desk drawer or shoe box.

4. When needed, simply tilt to one side, snip the opposite corner, and pour into tray.

5. Cure the bag in sunlight or UV and toss.

That's it!

Hope this helps someone!



Veröffentlicht : 18/09/2022 12:51 pm
am-erik-a und gefällt das
RE: Here's how I store resin left in the vat...

That can work.  If UV is a concern, they come in black.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 22/09/2022 10:38 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Here's how I store resin left in the vat...

That’s good to know, Chuck!


Veröffentlicht : 22/09/2022 11:41 am