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Day 1 Order  

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Eminent Member
RE: Day 1 Order

My 9/24/18 order just shipped.  I do not remember what date 'day 1' was.  I think Day 1 was actually the 22nd.  Note that the shipping email has not gone out yet; the only way I can see it as shipped now is in my account order history.   This is for the preassembled SL1 plus wash station.


I have some low-fume resins to try out; the Nova3D resin in clear and black.  Unfortunately, they do not have profiles yet so I will have to mess with settings with a few smaller pieces.  I am also working on some fume ventilation options.  I hope to receive the last of the parts for my SL1's duct setup today and will upload that info if it works as intended.

Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2019 3:35 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
RE: Day 1 Order

Ok, I’m slightly annoyed.  I have a 9/23/18 order (preassembled plus washstation) and have received no notification yet, and still see ‘backordered’.  At least its a good sign!  Now I just have to find some cool chess pieces to print.


Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2019 5:11 pm
Reputable Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Day 1 Order

Just updating this thread:

Replacement SL1 works as it should.... No issuess

I heard back from my Rep about the original SL1. Turns out the screw that didnt fit was never checked b4 shipping. They also believe the UV screens connector came loose during shipping.

So now all SL1's going forward will have a test print done and then the resin tank swapped for a new one. They are also taking steps to ensure the UV screens connector doesn't came loose during transit.

And they are making good on a old promise..... A t-shirt voucher

Prusa MK3 > MK4s
Prusa MK2.5 kit > MK3 > MK3s > MK4s
Prusa SL1 3D printer + Curing and Washing Machine (day1 order)
Taz6 - taken apart for space
CR10s4 - upgrading
Delta 3ku - dont use

Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2019 6:14 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Day 1 Order
Posted by: paul.m27

Ok, I’m slightly annoyed.  I have a 9/23/18 order (preassembled plus washstation) and have received no notification yet, and still see ‘backordered’.  At least its a good sign!  Now I just have to find some cool chess pieces to print.


Hmm.  That is kind of weird.  Be sure to keep an eye on it.  I hope yours gets shipped soon!

As for cool chess pieces, I like the 'modern chess set' by kazitoad.  I actually printed a few on the mk3 and they came out surprisingly well for something designed for resin.  I bet they will look slick with black or transparent resins.

Veröffentlicht : 30/05/2019 12:50 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
RE: Day 1 Order

I just realized: I was a day 1 “kit” + CW, not preassembled.  Historically with FDM printers, getting kit means faster delivery.  I’m guessing in this case (where they have screens cracking or whatever other QC issues they are having), they are more comfortable shipping preassembled versions where they have more control over the assembly.  Ah, well.


Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2019 2:02 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Day 1 Order

I see.  Yeah, they are delaying the kits by a month apparently.  

It has been so many years since I have used a soldering iron that I do not want to try my hand at something expensive... and mechanical parts I never really had any experience with so yeah, no kits for me. 😛

That is part of why a 3D printer is appealing to me to begin with though; the ability to turn software into physical reality.  

Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2019 3:26 pm
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