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SL1 for jewellery - drainage issues?  

Magical Terry
Eminent Member
SL1 for jewellery - drainage issues?

Hello all, I am hoping to get some help! I've made a photo album here with a video in there too..

On this ring you can see there are holes all the way through where the gems will be seated. I printed the rings upright on the sprue base on the build plate. The holes at the top of the ring, furthest away from the sprue came out perfectly. The holes at and close to 9 and 3 o'clock are oval shaped. I assume this is due to resin not draining during the print and curing during the print.


Does anyone have any ideas on how I might avoid this and get nice round holes all the way around the ring? I've attached a pic below on how the rings are orientated on the build plate.



Napsal : 20/11/2019 11:39 am
Eminent Member
RE: SL1 for jewellery - drainage issues?

I am very much at the early learning stage for the world of MSLA, the only things I can suggest is:

Change the orientation, to a more 45 degree-ish orientation so the holes are more along a horizontal axis.   The general wisdom seems to be to print things at an angle.  Perhaps the 9/3 o'clock holes are aligned to the vertical axis, while the remaining holes are effectively tilted is why the print differently.

Another thought is the resin.  I recently saw a resin advertised as 'low viscosity' (e3D bio resin I think).  So perhaps a less viscous resin will drain away more easily.  

Hope that helps, or prompts better ideas.

Napsal : 23/11/2019 10:04 pm