Prints become more tilted with each print after calibration
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[Résolu] Prints become more tilted with each print after calibration  

New Member
Prints become more tilted with each print after calibration

I have made only 15 prints so far and I noticed that first print after calibration is perfectly sticking to the head, but each print after first is getting more and more tilted. This is mainly noticeable with large prints, but even small ones are getting affected.

First print after calibration:

Second print after calibration:

Third print after calibration:

And finally large print (third after calibration I think):

Has anyone idea what is wrong? I am on firmware version 1.2.3 and I am using basically default profiles in slicer. I changed only tilt times and area fill in printer settings, and pad wall slope (90 -> 60) in print settings. I am using the gifted Prusa Gray Tough resin.

Publié : 12/10/2019 9:43 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prints become more tilted with each print after calibration

From support chat in Czech:

Může být povoleným šroubem na některém z těchto míst:

  1. Samotná platforma, která je ze dvou částí - zkontrolujte prosím dotažení všech 4 šroubů
  2. Zkontrolovat dotažení šroubu šroubu, na kterém "vysí" platforma (ne ten plastový)
  3. Udělat znovu kalibraci tiskárny a potom dotáhnout pořádně platformu - šroubem plastovým
Publié : 14/10/2019 8:53 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prints become more tilted with each print after calibration

This problem was solved with great help of technical support (thanks Peter and Thomas). Now loose translation of the message:

  1. check if the four screws holding two parts of print platform itself  are tighten
  2. check that adjustable screw holding platform in the place is properly tighten
  3. do calibration and properly tighten platform with black plastic nob

Thanks for help.

Publié : 14/10/2019 9:42 pm
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