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CW1S reflectors ?  

Eminent Member
CW1S reflectors ?

OK, so I'm new at this and I read that for curing the part should be placed off center on the turn table.

Well, OK there are two light bars and PERHAPS there is a trivially small advantage to each of them shining at the part from different angles - maybe.

In thinking about all the UV light that shines PAST the model I thought about reflecting some/most of it back again.


I may line the inside of the cover with aluminum foil - maybe.

It is just UV light, right ?

No such thing as too much ??

It just seems that bouncing it around in there would be more efficient.


Your thoughts would be respectfully received.


This topic was modified 3 years temu by
Opublikowany : 09/06/2022 5:22 pm
Eminent Member

Welcome to the resin printing section : )


As far as I know, there shouldnt be something like "too much UV and it will break!" ^^

But I can't tell for heat. Tin-foil is isolating and it could maybe accumulate too much heat inside the machine?

Dont know. If you arent sure about it, you can also get an UV-LED strip (can be found in most pc case mod sections of shops/ ebay) and wrap it inside of a bucket : D

But it wont look as good and stylish as the CW1 : /

Opublikowany : 23/09/2022 6:36 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: CW1S reflectors ?

Well, with the CW1S the cycle is drying-curing and I think the drying portion of that is settable up to maybe 50 C.

I have mine at 10 minutes at 40 c, then 60 minutes of curing.

The heat is turned off during curing and the temperature drops slowly.

I did line the inside of the cover with foil and the temperature seems to drop at about the same rate - so I think the answer to "does the UV light heat up the part ?" question is probably "No".


Opublikowany : 22/10/2022 2:25 pm