Missing purge function an single mode filament selection in 3.5 and mmu3.
Maybe it’s only me but I miss the purging function after filament change when using the MK3.5 with MMU3. Without MMU it asks after filament change if the color is correct or if I wish to purge more. With MMU switched on this is missing.
And I cannot choose filament when printing in single mode with MMU attached like in the MK3s. I have to choose and decide while slicing. This reeled better in the mk3s+
Anyway I like the upgrade to 3,5 though I have a MK4, too. In my setting the mk3.5 prints color and the mk4 everything else what has to print fast and clean.
i am looking forward to software optimization of both systems in the future!
RE: Missing purge function an single mode filament selection in 3.5 and mmu3.
I have been using the Mk3.5&MMU3 slicer profile for single colour print as I don't believe there is an equivalent single mode print option and yes you do have to nominate in the slice the Tool to be used (unlike 3S/+ profiles) . I specified in a perimeter loop x2 for the 1st layer and that with the initial prime line is enough to purge out any previous colour in the nozzle. I tried and don't like the Mk3.5 (non MMU) slicer profile as it requires that you preload the filament to the nozzle (and unload it at the end).
Also when printing a single colour with the Mk3.5&MMU3 slicer profile I am finding that at the end , after the filament has been unloaded to the MMU, it has a really long string on the tip (I had a look at the gcode and I don't think it is using the normal MMU filament cooling / shaping that a multicolour print uses for unloading). To avoid potential jams after each print I unscrew the Bowden tube push the filament out a bit to cut off the offending tip, pull the filament back enough to preload the MMU again.
I would appreciate any views on better work arounds (or point out my erroneous operation) whilst we wait for some tuning of the initial 3.5/MMU3 slicer release to back fill some of the losses in translation from Mk3S/+ to Mk3.5.