Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?
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Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?  

Active Member
Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

Recently upgraded MK3S+ to MK3.5.  Everything seemed to go well.  I have been printing numerous models and all went well.  Today I tried a model with a colour change and it stopped and kicked the filament out but then locked up with a message telling me to remove the filament from the sensor and indicated 0% completed and became unresponsive.  I restarted the print and was able to load the filament again but it did the same thing.  So, I went directly to the filament menu after restarting the printer and just tried a change filament and exactly the same thing happened.  I am curious if this happened to any one else? While trying to determine the cause, I am currently printing the model without the colour change.

Respondido : 26/03/2024 3:42 pm
RixonJay me gusta
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

If this happens again, have a look at the sensor status on the bottom of the screen

if the filament sensor is showing ON and there is no filament in the sensor, try pressing the filament sensor lever towards the heatsink, your tension screws may be a little loose, or you may be getting friction between the tension screws and the heatsink
alternately the sensor may need re calibrating

regards Joan


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 26/03/2024 4:31 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

It does not seem to matter when  or how a change filament command is accessed ( whether from a gcode file, from the filament menu or from the pause and tune function.  Once started it unloads the filament successfully but before asking to load new filament it shows a screen with 'unloading filament 0%' and 'please remove filament from filament sensor'.  The sensor shows 'On' on the lower right part of the screen. Then it freezes and requires a reset to allow you to do anything.  I have opened up the filament sensor cavity and found nothing unusual there.  I had a replacement sensor and tried replacing it.  There was no change. The load and unload of filament works normally. I am running out of ideas to try.  I even upgraded the firmware from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2. The change filament function hangs up half way through and locks up everything it is accessed.

Respondido : 26/03/2024 8:17 pm
RixonJay me gusta
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

Can you please show a picture of the Upper part of the Nextruder, from the front, please? 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 26/03/2024 9:54 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

This is a MK3.5 upgrade from a MK3S+.  It has no nextruder.  Just the regular extruder with Bondtech gear drive.

Respondido : 26/03/2024 10:22 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

The filament sensor may be jammed.

Look here.

Respondido : 27/03/2024 4:09 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

Still no joy. Further tinkering reveals that when turning on the printer, the filament sensor ON is displayed even though there is no filament loaded. This doesn't seem to change even though I have loaded and  unloaded filament and done prints.  Unplugging the filament sensor at the extruder doesn't change this but if I unplug the sensor wires at the xbuddy board the display changes to OFF.  As soon as the wires are reattached the ON returns to the display again even though no filament is present.  Visually I see no obstruction to the functioning of the ball  or the sensor lever.  Strange and stranger. I don't know what to try next.  I can print but I just can't do a change filament.

Respondido : 27/03/2024 9:44 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

My brain is not on the right page. Sorry!   I was thinking printer with MMU...    in error....

Need More Sleep!


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 27/03/2024 9:53 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

Did you look at the page I suggested?? 

Respondido : 27/03/2024 11:01 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

As a background fyi and not quite related (perhaps) and I will post later as a separate topic but I had reason to redo the z height calibration print a 2nd time after the initial 3.5 wizard setup (done without the MMU3 in path for initial and then with the MMU3 operating 2nd time) and struck issues with filament handling.

The z height calibration routine would not prompt nor load the filament from the MMU without 1st using the loading the filament to the nozzle option before running the z calib option.  In the previous Mk3S/+ mode the z calib allowed loading from the MMU (after prompting for which tool to load from). 

{Also have seen some other suspected filament change probs with MMU and Octoprint but it may be an Octoprint thing }

( I am only 3 days in to the 3.5 operational space & I need to recheck/verify this suspected fault and others before posting up a separate topic  - To me at the moment  the 3.5 release feels more like an alpha release and needs a bit of refining)

Respondido : 28/03/2024 1:15 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

Yes I did.  Several times but all I could see was that it referred to the filament sensor for the MK4 & MK3.9 which uses a spring, ball and magnet.  The MK 3.5 uses the same sensor setup as the MK3S+ which just has a ball and filament lever.  But thank you very much for your interest as that has helped motivate me to find the real problem.  I tore the extruder head apart just to prove to myself that everything was working fine just as it had when it was still a MK3S+.  I isolated both ends of the cable from the xbuddy board to the sensor and ran all possible continuity checks possible on rhe cable.  I found that the DATA and the GND lines are shorted together somewhere. I jury rigged another cable from the board to the sensor to test it out and suddenly it senses when you put a filament into the extruder.  So likely somewhere along the cable I must have either pinched the two lines together or to the chassis while I was upgrading. I won't know where until I get a replacement cable.  I don't want to tear the cables apart until I have that new one in hand so I don't have to do it twice. So again thanks for your interest and help. Now to order that cable.



Respondido : 29/03/2024 2:00 am
Brian me gusta
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

Yes I am having exactly this issue on my Mini+

Posted by: @bawlf

Recently upgraded MK3S+ to MK3.5.  Everything seemed to go well.  I have been printing numerous models and all went well.  Today I tried a model with a colour change and it stopped and kicked the filament out but then locked up with a message telling me to remove the filament from the sensor and indicated 0% completed and became unresponsive.  I restarted the print and was able to load the filament again but it did the same thing.  So, I went directly to the filament menu after restarting the printer and just tried a change filament and exactly the same thing happened.  I am curious if this happened to any one else? While trying to determine the cause, I am currently printing the model without the colour change.


Respondido : 06/04/2024 12:52 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

I found the exact cause of my problem and have corrected it.  It was all my own fault and occurred while I was doing the upgrade.  I never paid enough attention to the location of the filament sensor wires while I was tightening up the stress relief clamp on the top of the xbuddy case where all of the extruder cables  enter the enclosure.  While I was clamping the stress relief together I never noticed that two wires ( specifically the filament sensor ground and data lines) had slipped between the halves.  Since the wires are twisted, when I tightened the clamp up it crushed the wires together and through both their insulation.  They then shorted out and gave me a continuous signal that filament was loaded.  Because the display elements were new to me I never noticed that the sensor was always on because it would still load and unload filament normally and I was able to print single colour models perfectly.  It was only when I requested a filament change that the software demanded a change of state and not receiving it, it seized up.

Respondido : 06/04/2024 2:08 pm
ssmith me gusta
Eminent Member
RE: Anyone else having problems with lockup during filament change?

Same behavior at my side with MMU3 !

Bazzalight had the right conclusion: "...  the 3.5 release feels more like an alpha release and needs a bit of refining."

In my experiance "a lot of reworking, esp. UI and the above"

Respondido : 08/04/2024 1:34 pm