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Resume print z offset changed  

Cindy L
Resume print z offset changed

Today I had a my Mk4/MMU3 ,5.5 hr print, stop at 4 hrs with a finda error. I noticed the filament currently loaded had a tangle in the spool. I was able to untangle it but could not get the print to resume as the filament seemed to be stuck. Nor would it unload. I was able to unload it manually and then planned to reload after double-checking the spool again. I could find no option to “preload” in the mid-print “tune” menu and could not get it to go into the PTFE slot on the MMU3. So, I undid the tension screws, opened the idler, and was able to manually direct the filament into the MMU3. I closed the idler, adjusted the tension screws, and hit “continue” in the load filament screen. It worked! I was able to resume the print….but quickly noticed my z-offset was much to high and it was printing in the air. I could find no way mid-print to quickly adjust it. And that was the end of it. 
Maybe I am missing something…but trouble-shooting issues like this, mid-print? It seems there are few software/interface options for resuming the print successfully. Or adjusting the offset if it needs to be corrected. 

This topic was modified 5 months ago by Cindy L
Posted : 24/07/2024 8:33 pm
RE: Resume print z offset changed

Could it be, that your printer detected the jam to late and was printing a few layers without filament? Happened to me, at least.

Posted : 31/07/2024 4:40 pm