"Quality" print settings missing for MMU3 on Mk4
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"Quality" print settings missing for MMU3 on Mk4  

Eminent Member
"Quality" print settings missing for MMU3 on Mk4

I've successfully built and used the MMU3 on Mk4, and everything seems to work fine.  However, I'm unable to see the Quality print settings I'm accustomed to seeing in PrusaSlicer.  Is this a feature that's coming, or am I failing to understand how to get those profiles?

Veröffentlicht : 05/05/2024 1:51 am
Estimable Member
RE: "Quality" print settings missing for MMU3 on Mk4

The MK4 with Input Shaper preset profiles are named Speed and Structural.   Only the non Input Shaper preset still includes "Quality."  I think I see now - the MMU3 preset has the Input Shape badge and there is no preset for MMU3 without input shaper.  If you notice there is a "plain" MK4 preset still available which would have the Quality setting, but no input shaping, and I guess no MMU3 capability.   (Which begs the question, shouldn't using Structural with the print speed slowed down to what Quality used to be give an even better result?).  

Veröffentlicht : 05/05/2024 3:07 am
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:

Thank you, that aligns with what I see.  Interesting decisions…

Veröffentlicht : 05/05/2024 3:08 am
Carlos javier Prieto
RE: "Quality" print settings missing for MMU3 on Mk4

Indeed, I see the same thing, it has few options and it forces you to set the configuration with the input shaper, to see if you can set the option to use the input shaper.


Veröffentlicht : 28/05/2024 4:12 am