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Prusa Connect or Link support for MMU3  

Active Member
Prusa Connect or Link support for MMU3

Any idea when there will be support in Prusa Connect or Link to support a MK3S+ with MMU3? Right now with the Pi Zero W with camera, you can load the print to the printer and start the print. If you are doing a MMU single filament print, the printer waits for you to choose a filament number from the LCD display on the printer. It would be nice to have these capabilities from a remote connection. I think I read that people were making better progress with Octoprint.

This topic was modified před 1 year by SpongyBob
Napsal : 21/11/2023 12:05 am
RE: Prusa Connect or Link support for MMU3

I usually fix this in PrusaSlicer.. I select your printer + MMU (so not MMU single mode where you cannot select the filment slot in the slicer) + select the filment slot you want to use, it just starts with the filament you selected 🙂 

Napsal : 03/01/2024 2:32 pm