Nozzle Cools During Jam and Print Job Fails
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Nozzle Cools During Jam and Print Job Fails  

Active Member
Nozzle Cools During Jam and Print Job Fails

If something happens and filament jams in the MMU or extruder, print pauses and gives error message, and the nozzle cools down to room temperature. The only option it gives is to "Retry", but that doesn't work because the nozzle has cooled. 

This has happened several times, and I would have been able to un-jam the filament by hand, but it wouldn't resume because the nozzle was too cold. So my print job failed, when I should have been able to recover it. 

Please fix the firmware.

MK3S+ with MMU3.

Postato : 12/03/2024 8:26 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Nozzle Cools During Jam and Print Job Fails

An example of this is with SpoolJoin. If the end of the filament is hooked (from the hub of the spool), then it gets stuck when the MMU tries to back it out. Extruder cools down, and the only option it to "Retry", but that doesn't work because the nozzle is too cold.

Postato : 12/03/2024 9:06 pm