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MK4 with MMU3 filament sensing issue  

Active Member
MK4 with MMU3 filament sensing issue

After trying twice to resolve the issue of filament sensing after the  addition of an MMU3  ( with the following from a chat with help desk ,With MMU both Filament sensor should work together, the one within the extruder and the FINDA sensor in the MMU)

My unit is a MK4 with the addition of the MMU3, and recent upgrade to the 4S. When adding the MMU3, instructions said to remove the ball, spring and magnet plastic piece that works with the hall sensor, thought the sensor in the MMU3 took over the job of sensing filament.  Can't finish the calibration as the unit doesn't sense filament. cant find the plastic piece that holds the spring, ball and magnet, or i would reinstall it. Have the latest firmware, and tried resetting the unit to factory spec, still doesn't sense filament.

Am I missing a step ( or 2)  ?

Postato : 26/11/2024 7:53 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 with MMU3 filament sensing issue

With the parts for the MMU3 there should be some parts to modify the MK4 nextruder sensor. Just removing the Sensor with the ball is not enough. You need to install a modified sensor which is coupled to the idler door. Follow following step:
9A. MK4/S, MK3.9/S Nextruder Mod | Prusa Knowledge Base

Postato : 27/11/2024 5:57 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

besides the MM U3 addition to the MK4, Ive upgraded to the MK4S, with this upgrade the new idler nut doesn't have any magnets, not sure how the filament sensor works without a magnet.

Thanks for the assist

Questo post è stato modificato 3 months fa da Mike
Postato : 27/11/2024 6:27 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK4 with MMU3 filament sensing issue

I suspect you need to re attach the old idler nut and main plate from the MMU version of the nextruder

did you change the idler parts as well. if so, you probably need the original Mk4  mmu parts

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 27/11/2024 8:27 pm