Interruption of the “Load Filmament” function triggers the MMU overcurrent error
Hy all,
I have been using an MK4S with an MMU3 in an enclosure for a few weeks now. Everything is working well exept on function: Each time the printer loads a filmament although no filmament has been preloaded in this slot it gets stuck in an endless loop. The only way to abort this is to press the Reset-button. (Yes it is silly to give the printer the instruction to load a filmament out of a slot where there is no filmament but it happens. )
After the Reset the Error MMU Overcurrent #26310 occurs. It is not possible to clear this error, not immediately, not after 20min. But after one hour the printer starts without a problem. Than everything is working fine again.
Because of that I have some questions:
- Is it possible to adjust the firmeware that after 3 unsuccessful tries of filmament loading the process will be aborted?
- Is there a risk of the printer being destroyed due to this incorrect operation?
- How can I speed up the process that after the MMU3 Overcurrent error occurs, the printer is faster in operational mode again?
Best Regards
RE: Interruption of the “Load Filmament” function triggers the MMU overcurrent error
Good Morning,
today morning evreything is working again. What I register is, when I have the broblem the firmware starts twice. Now in the moning where I don't have this problme the firmware starts only one time and shows after some seconds the home display.
To summ up: 1 hour of waiting don't solve the problem, 6 hours of waiting solves the problem.
Wish you a nice start in this beautifull week
RE: Interruption of the “Load Filmament” function triggers the MMU overcurrent error
I am getting the overcurrent error over and over again. If I wait a bit and turn it back on, it goes away. If I dare reset it, I'll see it again and have to play russian roulette until it clears the error. Very frustrating.
RE: Interruption of the “Load Filmament” function triggers the MMU overcurrent error
Deleting errors is also a matter of luck in my case.
Today it happend again that I have to press the resetbutton. After that again MMU overcurrent error. Tomorrow morning it will work again.
Frustating is the right description.
RE: Interruption of the “Load Filmament” function triggers the MMU overcurrent error
I am running into the same issue. Hopefully someone will have found a solution soon. I have managed 1 print before this overcurrent issue took over.
RE: Interruption of the “Load Filmament” function triggers the MMU overcurrent error
It seems that to resolve this issue, the printer’s and MMU’s electronics need to discharge sufficiently (likely the capacitors on the board). Turning it off for an extended period (typically >2 minutes) helps. It appears that the worst thing to do is a reset or quickly turning it off and on again
RE: Interruption of the “Load Filmament” function triggers the MMU overcurrent error
This also happens with "unload filament". I accidentally hit this option, and after resetting the printer I'm getting stuck with the error.