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Single Material Mode - MMU3 on Mk3.5 - How?  

Reputable Member
Single Material Mode - MMU3 on Mk3.5 - How?

I've seen some posts and some information on using a single material mode, but I'm still not clear on how to set it up on a Mk3.5. I'm using PrusaSlicer 2.8.0 on 2 Macs for slicing. Currently I am printing 2 objects, both with the same filament. I tried just eliminating the wipe tower, but I've had a couple prints in the past few days go bad because of the "FINDA didn't trigger #04101" error. (I know that error, in itself, is another issue - I'll post about that on another thread.)

I tried just eliminating the wipe tower, but apparently it's still switching filaments. (I don't see why the FINDA would have an issue with not triggering if it weren't switching filaments.)

How can I set up a print, now that I have an MMU installed, and slice it so the print uses ONLY filament #2 (or #3 or #1 or whatever...) and does not switch tools or filaments?


Opublikowany : 29/07/2024 5:05 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Single Material Mode - MMU3 on Mk3.5 - How?

Don't use single mode it too frustrating.  If I can't use the MMU profile,  I preload to the nozzle from the filament channel I want and then slice with  a non-mmu profile.  It's annoying because I have to go to the printer to load the filament, but it works every time. Hopefully prusa will expand the  mmu profiles to include other plastics, or nozzle sizes.  I plan on making own if not. 

Opublikowany : 29/07/2024 6:59 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Single Material Mode - MMU3 on Mk3.5 - How?


Posted by: @lynn

Don't use single mode it too frustrating.  If I can't use the MMU profile,  I preload to the nozzle from the filament channel I want and then slice with  a non-mmu profile.  It's annoying because I have to go to the printer to load the filament, but it works every time. Hopefully prusa will expand the  mmu profiles to include other plastics, or nozzle sizes.  I plan on making own if not. 

I'm kind of surprised Prusa doesn't have a simple "bypass the MMU" kind of setting in place at this point. That would seem to me to be one of the most obvious things to include with any addition: A way to bypass it if something goes wrong. So I can add a Mk3.5 non-MMU profile and use that. As you pointed out, though, the issue with that is having to manually set it up. My printer is in my workshop, in our barn, about 500' from the house. I have always loved being able to work on my designs in my study and being able to send the evening's work down for a print, so it's ready in the morning, without me having to go down to the barn and back before going to bed. (Especially on winter nights!) But most of the time I know what I'm working on and whether I'll need multiple filaments or not before I start on the design.

I'm wondering, and this is related to that issue on my other thread, where the MMU had an issue with a filament I'm not using, if one of the reasons for the slow printing of a few recent parts could be because the printer is trying to do tool changes it doesn't need for one material prints from the MMU.

I also like the idea of being able to easily switch filaments. For instance, I'm doing prototypes, which I usually do in white, so I can easily label and mark them and often put something like a red x if they don't work or a green check if they do, but then, once I've done all the tests, I'm often printing in black. One use of the MMU, which I think would be popular, would be to be able to set up the filaments we use the most and be able to just specify them in the slicer. Sadly, I've noticed that if I have 2 PETG spools and 3 PLA spools in use, that the printer will warn me of that when I start printing - so I can't just send a job to it through OctoPrint and be done with it. but it seems to me (with some additional programming on the printer firmware) that if there was a single material mode, that if it were activated, then the printer could see that and basically bypass the MMU, other than the first filament load at the start of the job.

Opublikowany : 30/07/2024 12:17 am
RE: Single Material Mode - MMU3 on Mk3.5 - How?

You can run print remotly and use only one filament. First use MK3.5 MMU profile, choose extruder which you want to use in PrusaSlicer for printed object. Wipe Tower will vanish if you use only one extruder (filament). Than upload gcode with Print option.


Then go to PrusaConnect web site and set Printer is Ready. Then wrint will start automatically with choosen filament,


What I discovered is that MK3.5 MMU profile prits slowly then MK3.5 profile. Which do not have sense when printitg only with one extruder. There are also different temperatures on PETG filament between thouse 2 presets. Quite confusing, not documented by Prusa :-(.

Opublikowany : 14/09/2024 10:00 am