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Request: Custom bowden length setup for MMU3  

Request: Custom bowden length setup for MMU3

Because of the lack of space, I had to put the MMU3 on top of my Ikea Lack enclosure and I've hanged the filament buffers behind the Lack enclosure.
The bowden, as shipped with the MMU3, are way too long. In my setup, it's about half the size of the shipped ones.
But now, when the MMU3 is retracting the filament, about 20cm of the filaments are hanging below the buffer, and when I want to print again, the filament sometimes get stuck (when a filamentspool is getting emptier, the more it occurs)

So it would be nice to add the possibility to set you own, custom bowden length.

Respondido : 05/07/2024 11:59 am