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MMU3 for MK3S (not +)?  

Reputable Member
MMU3 for MK3S (not +)?

I have an MK3S. MMU3 compatibility lists MK3S+ but not MK3S. My understanding is that the major differences between S & S+ are the Super PINDA, filament sensor, & Y-axis bearing clamps (instead of U-bolts). Any idea which features make MMU3 incompatible with MK3S? I bought a Super PINDA, but haven't installed it.

What would I need to upgrade on the MK3S to make it compatible with MMU3?

Best Answer by Robin:

You will not need the MK3S to MK3S+ kit. The blog-entry for upgrade release states:

"You might have noticed that we’re not specifically mentioning Original Prusa i3 MK2.5, Original Prusa i3 MK2.5S, Original Prusa i3 MK3 and Original Prusa i3 MK3S. Due to production and processing capacity, we have decided not to prepare specific packages for these printers. However, do not worry, we’ll publish an article in our Knowledge base which will describe how to adjust the Original Prusa MMU3 designed for MK3S+ to make it work with your Original Prusa i3 MK2.5 / Original Prusa i3 MK2.5S / Original Prusa i3 MK3 / Original Prusa i3 MK3S printer with some simple steps."



Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Napsal : 31/07/2023 1:52 pm
Honorable Member

Actually I am pretty certain you won't need anything from the + kit. Given that the upgrade kit will be for  MMU2s for MMU3 and the MMU2s is fully compatible with the MK3s. If at all, it will be the Super PINDA and like you I have one already, just not installed.


I try to give answers to the best of my ability, but I am not a 3D printing pro by any means, and anything you do you do at your own risk. BTW: I have no food for…

Napsal : 31/07/2023 2:03 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 for MK3S (not +)?

I was suspecting that the + filament sensor might be necessary

Posted by: @justme3d

Actually I am pretty certain you won't need anything from the + kit. Given that the upgrade kit will be for  MMU2s for MMU3 and the MMU2s is fully compatible with the MK3s. If at all, it will be the Super PINDA and like you I have one already, just not installed.



Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Napsal : 31/07/2023 2:15 pm
Noble Member
RE: MMU3 for MK3S (not +)?

You will not need the MK3S to MK3S+ kit. The blog-entry for upgrade release states:

"You might have noticed that we’re not specifically mentioning Original Prusa i3 MK2.5, Original Prusa i3 MK2.5S, Original Prusa i3 MK3 and Original Prusa i3 MK3S. Due to production and processing capacity, we have decided not to prepare specific packages for these printers. However, do not worry, we’ll publish an article in our Knowledge base which will describe how to adjust the Original Prusa MMU3 designed for MK3S+ to make it work with your Original Prusa i3 MK2.5 / Original Prusa i3 MK2.5S / Original Prusa i3 MK3 / Original Prusa i3 MK3S printer with some simple steps."



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Napsal : 31/07/2023 2:32 pm
burtronix se líbí
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:


Posted by: @robin

You will not need the MK3S to MK3S+ kit. The blog-entry for upgrade release states:

"You might have noticed that we’re not specifically mentioning Original Prusa i3 MK2.5, Original Prusa i3 MK2.5S, Original Prusa i3 MK3 and Original Prusa i3 MK3S. Due to production and processing capacity, we have decided not to prepare specific packages for these printers. However, do not worry, we’ll publish an article in our Knowledge base which will describe how to adjust the Original Prusa MMU3 designed for MK3S+ to make it work with your Original Prusa i3 MK2.5 / Original Prusa i3 MK2.5S / Original Prusa i3 MK3 / Original Prusa i3 MK3S printer with some simple steps."



Thanks for the link! I've been so focused on the XL & MK4 news that I missed that blog post.

Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Napsal : 31/07/2023 4:24 pm
RE: MMU3 for MK3S (not +)?

Hey all!  Can somebody direct me to the article that they posted about how to make the MMU3 work with the MK3S (not +)?  I can't seem to find it.  OR if anybody could give me some pointers about how to do the installation (specifically the extruder portion), that'd be great.


Napsal : 18/11/2023 4:16 am
Eminent Member
RE: MMU3 for MK3S (not +)?

I am presuming you are converting an existing MMU2 rather than a 1st in install of a MMU3 on a Mk3S(not +)

Had the same issue and contacted support for the MMU3 conversion. (I don't think there is still a promised knowledge base instruction,  it was on their to do list but their experts are still busy trying to sort the Mk4 and MMU3 which has been very delayed for release).

I was verbally advised by support that there should be no issue using the MMU3 Mk3S+ conversion instructions with a Mk3S with an existing MMU2S.  I didn't actually convert the extruder as it look to me that the MMU3 extruder chimney sensor bits were similar to a Mk3S anyway (the MMU2 installation for a Mk3 provided the chimney/sensor parts).  I have been printing with the new MMU3 for more than 4 weeks and it seems to be working quite well.

Napsal : 19/11/2023 12:05 pm
Reputable Member
RE: MMU3 for MK3S (not +)?

I dont think there's an article, just this github firmware release post. Though, be aware there is a newer firmware version post that original release.

You just update the firmware on both the MMU unit and the MK3 printer. For most intents and purposes the MMU3 is just the MMU2 with upgraded firmware that displays text on the printer LCD rather than flashing lights on the MMU unit itself. The one thing you have to make sure you do after upgrading firmwares is to set the MMU parameter to ON from OFF in the Settings lists on the printer LCD, otherwise your MK3 won't recognize the MMU; this is also how you disable the MMU in case you want to revert to not using it whatsoever.

MK3/S/+ doesnt matter, they're all grouped as the same thing because they basically are. So if you asking how to install from scratch, even the not fully updated knowledge base should work out.


XL-5T, MK3S MMU3 || GUIDE: How to print with multiple-nozzlesizes do read updated replies || PrusaSlicer Fork with multi-nozzlesize freedom || How Feasible is Printing PETG for PLA supports on XL very

Napsal : 19/11/2023 11:25 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 for MK3S (not +)?

I'm not currently a MMU2 user. I would be going direclty to MMU3, if at all. Still trying to make up my mind & find the best strategy.

Posted by: @bazzalight

I am presuming you are converting an existing MMU2 rather than a 1st in install of a MMU3 on a Mk3S(not +)

Had the same issue and contacted support for the MMU3 conversion. (I don't think there is still a promised knowledge base instruction,  it was on their to do list but their experts are still busy trying to sort the Mk4 and MMU3 which has been very delayed for release).

I was verbally advised by support that there should be no issue using the MMU3 Mk3S+ conversion instructions with a Mk3S with an existing MMU2S.  I didn't actually convert the extruder as it look to me that the MMU3 extruder chimney sensor bits were similar to a Mk3S anyway (the MMU2 installation for a Mk3 provided the chimney/sensor parts).  I have been printing with the new MMU3 for more than 4 weeks and it seems to be working quite well.


Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Napsal : 02/12/2023 9:54 pm
Noble Member
RE: MMU3 for MK3S (not +)?

I was an MMU2 user up until a few months ago when I upgraded my two MK3S+ machines to MK4.    I spent a short time on the new firmware(3.x) and it was a VAST improvement over the 1.0.6 that had been on there forever.   Mind you this was just upgrading the firmware of the MMU2S.   I'm sure there are a bunch of other tweaks with the MMU3.   After hundreds of hours of cursing, sweet-talk and a few third party mods to the MMU2, it mostly worked.   Just be aware that using one extruder for multiple filements is, and always will be, a massive kludge.   I'd have to look on the features of the MMU3, but with the MMU2, it had a lot of limitations.   Prusa only officially supported PLA when doing soluble supports.   I did get PETG to work, but it was ugly.   Loading tpu is .... well .... well not gonna happen.  if you only have the one printer, you're likely going to have to by-pass the MMU to load tpu.   In my case I had two MK3S+ printers, and one with the MMU, so I just used the other when i wanted to do tpu things.   Perhaps someone who has an MMU3 can say if this has changed or not.   Given how the MMU2, and probably the MMU3 as well, it's just not friendly to TPU except possibly for the most rigid(95A +)_    I never saw it work.   The MMU is WASTEFUL.   The mount of filament that must be purged on each tool change, ESPECIALLY if you're doing soluble supports/interfaces, is huge.   I had a love hate relationship with the MMU2,   and towards the end we came to an understanding and it mostly worked as long as I stayed within the limits of the thing.   The 3.x firmware really made it behave like a different unit.   so if you're just looking to do multi-color pla prints, even multi-color petg, it can work okay.    never did abs in it, so I can't speak to that, but everything is so dependent on how the tips get shaped when the filament is pulled from the extruder, it's anyone's guess.   I never counted on it to it to work, so when it did, it was cool.   Nothing more than a curiosity really.  I'm serious about doing multi-material, so I got a 5 tool XL, and honestly it makes me feel silly for fighting with the MMU as long as I did.  Good luck!

Napsal : 03/12/2023 3:29 pm
RE: MMU3 for MK3S (not +)?

Thanks all for the replies.  I should have mentioned I was doing a new MMU3, not an upgrade -- I was hesitant about the MMU2 but it seemed the MMU3 was much better-reviewed.

I received the following from customer support:

I would highly recommend you upgrade your printer to MK3S+ to ensure the MMU3 sits correctly, we don't have a manual yet for the MK3S MMU3 upgrade.

So it looks like a direct install isn't quite possible yet.  I think I'll end up buying the MK3S+ upgrade.

Napsal : 10/12/2023 3:53 am
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