Message in connect now when I print with MMU3 now functioning perfectly.
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Message in connect now when I print with MMU3 now functioning perfectly.  

Eminent Member
Message in connect now when I print with MMU3 now functioning perfectly.

Any idea why I am getting this now at the start of a print - message from within connect after the gcode loads and before it starts to print. 

"Changes of mapping available only in the Printer UI. Select Print to start the print with defaults".

Publié : 04/06/2024 9:20 am
RE: Message in connect now when I print with MMU3 now functioning perfectly.

I received this error on my Prusa XL. I eventually figured out it was due to a mismatch between the filament I loaded (PTEG) and the filament I sliced for (PLA). I reloaded the filament as PLA and the error resolved. 

Publié : 04/08/2024 7:28 pm
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