The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR  

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The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Finished the MMU3 yesterday.  Printed the Sheep.  Cool, everything works.  Try to print another files with multiple parts that was sliced in PrusaSlicer and the MMU3 says "nope, you've reached the end of the spool.  Replace the filament. (  I messed with it for about 2 hours trying everything I could think of, recalibrating, etc.  Then I tried printing that stupid little sheet again.  Prints like a champ.  What in all things Holy?!?!

I'm at a loss, I searched all over the forums and online, and it seems I'm the only one that's done something stupid and it not print right.  I would LOVE to hear from any of you... except for you Bob.  I'm not going to turn it off and turn it back off again!  Did you read the paragraph above?!?! Stop making comments just so you can see your response scores go up! 


Sorry.  It's been a long day.


Thanks All

Posted : 01/05/2024 6:52 pm
Reputable Member
RE: The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Can you zip the .3mf file you used to slice the non-sheep object and attach it here so we can look at the settings?

Other than that, the only thing that specifically comes to mind is the filament sensor in the MMU selector. That's working properly? When you did the test by sticking a piece of filament in the front the light on the PINDA reliably turns on and off when the filament is inserted and removed?

Posted : 01/05/2024 7:20 pm
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RE: The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Testing and calibration was all done yesterday.  The 3mf is attached.

Been doing more messing about.  Here's the crazy thing: the bgcode version of the sliced file works!  Gah!!!  But when I change it to just gcode, it messes up.  The reason I wanted gcode is that I use OctoPrint which doesn't natively support bgcode.

Still, whatever you can do to steer me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Posted : 01/05/2024 7:54 pm
Illustrious Member

That slices OK. 

Two possibilities:-

If after slicing you right click on the scale at right of the preview pane you are given the opportunity to add a filament change; if the click is accidental that can sometimes cause confusion if the file is re-sliced..

Or, you have specified generic filament; if one of your filaments is slightly out of spec, especially if the thickness varies, it might just be thin enough in places to fool the sensor.

And the next most likely cause is  a loose connection, try reseating all the plugs.


Posted : 01/05/2024 8:14 pm
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RE: The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Those are good guesses but none of what you suggest is applicable.  There's something else going on that by changing the output from bgcode to gcode the MMU gives an error that equates to a runout of filament.  Also, as stated above, plugs/connections are easily excluded from the solution set when you consider I was immediately successful in printing the sheep.  It's something within the slicer (I didn't change the filament settings from a profile I use for Polymaker).  In other words, it's not a hardware or filament issue.  It's something within PrusaSlicer.  What setting would cause the MMU3 to believe it needs to do a filament swap every color change?

Posted : 01/05/2024 8:27 pm
Eminent Member
RE: The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I feel your pain  - my benchy (gcode) is working but the sheep I sliced myself in PS caused weird greeblings - filament sensor stuck, filament around the gears and all sorts of gremlins. please let us know if you find the solution!

Posted : 01/05/2024 9:05 pm
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Topic starter answered:
RE: The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I would be happy to. I feel like the real answer is going to be deep in the gcode. I don’t have a gcode emulator/simulator… yet. 🥲

Posted : 02/05/2024 12:00 am
Reputable Member
RE: The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Weird. I had PrusaSlicer set to the MK4 non-MMU profile, and when I opened that project it loaded it but did not switch the printer profile to the MK4 with MMU3 profile, unlike other projects I've opened in the past where it always switched the printer profile. If I have PS set to MK4 with MMU3 profile, then the project loads with the parts loaded to (what I assume are) the correct extruders. Odd. But also I've had a week of experience with MMU3, so...

Anyway, it's interesting that the gcode prints fine but bgcode doesn't. I haven't actually used gcode since bgcode was released. I turned off bcode and sliced the .3mf file and I'm not seeing anything in the .gcode file that catches my eye as a problem. Given PS didn't load the MK4 profile with MMU3 automatically though, I'm not convinced PS is loading your exact settings either, so I don't know if my gcode file is the same as yours.

If you want to zip up the offending .gcode file itself I'd be happy to take a look at that too. No promises I'll find anything, I'm not an expert. But in addition to taking a look, if I don't see anything, tomorrow when I'm back with my MK4/MMU3 I'd be happy to throw the gcode on my printer and see if I get the same out of filament error you do.

Posted : 02/05/2024 12:37 am
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Topic starter answered:
RE: The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Minor correction: the bgcode works great.  It's the gcode that goes sour at the first (and all subsequent) filament changes.  Unfortunately, the zipped gcode is still 11MB so too big for this forum.  I'm going to copy the first couple thousand lines and zip that instead.

Posted : 02/05/2024 2:42 am
Reputable Member

So the first thing I see is your gcode has an MK4 printer model check, as did mine, but yours does not have an MMU3 check, and mine did. My gcode also has a section that's called "setup MMU" that your gcode does not. I also see a wipe tower section in mine, but not yours. It's like yours is not being sliced for MMU.

How did you set up PrusaSlicer? Did you use an existing printer/filament profile you had? Or did you use a new, default profile? For the printer profile are you using "Original Prusa MK4 MMU3 0.4 nozzle"? I ask because sometimes if you re-use existing profiles you've made/modified in the past, those profiles don't get updated with new configurations as PrusaSlicer gets updated. I saw a post here or on Reddit where someone had MMU3 issues, and it was due to having an old filament profile they had modified. Using the default profile, e.g. "Generic PLA", fixed their MMU3 issues.

And dumb question but are you on PrusaSlicer 2.7.4 and have the latest configurations downloaded?

Posted : 02/05/2024 3:33 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

That's awesome jseyfert3!  Great questions.  Easy stuff up front: yes, using 2.7.4 and all configurations are current up to 2 days ago when I finished MMU3 assembly.  For the bgcode that ended up working (see screenshot), I used my filament profile, which did fine.  By process of elimination I arrived at the resultant gcode, not any of the hardware/physical attributes.

Now to your most excellent sleuthing of the gcode... VERY interesting.  Because I was initially attempting to use OctoPrint (which doesn't like bgcode) I opened the new MK4 MMU3 preset and simply deselected the bgcode in Printer Settings-->General-->Firmware, then saved as a new Preset.  That's it.  

I have a feeling I may have done something else, though.  Now that you've seen the difference in your gcode and mine, I'm going to blow away my "new" preset and try it again.  Or dump OctoPrint all together.  I've been having issues with it over the last month and am close to giving up and using Prusa Connect instead.

Again, THANK YOU @jseyfert3!

Posted : 02/05/2024 11:35 am
jseyfert3 liked
Eminent Member
RE: The stupid sheep prints fine but nothing else sliced in PrusaSlicer finishes the first filament tool swap GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

If you're using Octoprint make sure you've installed the bgcode plugin so that bgcode works correctly.

Posted : 02/05/2024 2:36 pm
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Topic starter answered:

If it's the bgcode plugin by jneilliii, all that does is convert the bgcode to gcode then stream it to the printer.  No thanks.  I don't want the additional processing overhead.  I can just de-select a switch in PS and export the gcode without a processing step.

Thank you for the suggestion @cupajoe24.

Now, if ever OctoPrint is ever upgraded to include a natively injested/streamed bgcode, I'll be quick to change my perspective.

Posted : 02/05/2024 2:56 pm