Filament loading issues after upgrading from MMU2 to MMU3
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Filament loading issues after upgrading from MMU2 to MMU3  

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Filament loading issues after upgrading from MMU2 to MMU3

I am writing to seek assistance with persistent issues I have encountered after upgrading my MK3S printer to an MMU3. My upgrade is about 1 month old.

 Printer Details:

MK3S firmware: 3.14.0-8066MMU3 firmware: 3.0.2 (unable to upgrade to 3.0.3)

Since the upgrade, I have experienced significant difficulties, which were not present when using the MMU2. Below are the main issues.

Items 1 – 7 generate the error: “FINDA DIDN’T TRIGGER /0401” and “SELECTOR CANNOT HOME”

1. Selector Misfeeds: Constant misfeeds resulting in FINDA errors. Retrying often requires multiple attempts without success.

2. Filament Tip Cutting: The selector cuts filament tips at 90 degrees, leading to additional FINDA errors.

3. Jamming Issues: Adjacent filaments extend unexpectedly during re-homing, causing jams.

4. Loading Failures: Frequent need for more than 20 retries to load filament.

5. Inconsistent Feeding: Filament stops feeding despite motor activity.

6. Misalignment: Occasional selector misalignment causing jams.

7. Weak Feed: Insufficient motor/pully wheel grip on filament during loading.

8. False Filament Change Errors: Filament will load then un-load with “FILAMENT CHANGE”. This usually happens twice in a row before continuing to print. It seems to happen most frequently on slot #4.

I have a filament cutter that cuts at 45 and 60 degrees, and I have also manually cut the filament on an angle with no positive affect between the 3 cuts.

I have attempted several solutions, including manual resets, firmware reloads, and trying different selector versions, with little success. Removing the filament cutter prevents the filament tip from being cut off and has somewhat reduced some of the other issues frequently but not eliminated them.

I would appreciate any guidance or solutions you can provide. If no resolution is possible, I may consider reverting to the MMU2.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,


Postato : 29/09/2024 4:56 am