Filament can't get past the BondTech gears
I'm installing the MMU3 on my MK3s+ and have just completed the upgrade of the hot end. The issue is that the filament won't get past the Bondtech gear if the idler tension screw is engaged with the nut in the idler door. If I disengage the idler tension screw from the nut in the idler door then the filament slides right in.
RE: Filament can't get past the BondTech gears
I also built an MMU3 kit for my MK3s+ and had a similar problem. The fix for me was to retune the filament sensor. I found that even after I followed their process I had to fiddle with tuning the sensor a bit to make it work reliably. And then yesterday it had a problem where it refused to recognize that filament had been removed. I turned the screw that tunes the sensor a half turn and it started working again.