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Decapitated sheep!
My first MMU3 print on my MK4 was, of course, the sheep gcode downloaded from printables. It worked so well I foolishly walked away from the printer only to come back and find it unloaded filament 1, tried to load filament 2, and couldn't grab the filament. After I took out the cartridge from the buffer and crammed the filament up towards the MMU, replaced the cartridge, and hit retry, it picked up where it left off. So the sheep eventually printed OK.
I notice the buffer, in my currently kludged up arrangement sometimes bounces a bit. Could that be a likely cause for the filament getting pulled out of the MMU enough that it couldn't grab it? (I'm working on a proper support for the buffer now, and I hope that fixes it).
Veröffentlicht : 29/04/2024 6:15 pm