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Question about changing the mount angle of the MMU  

Active Member
Question about changing the mount angle of the MMU

I have had an MMU2s for about 2 years now, with limited success.  But i am making progress, and i think my latest issue has to do with the amount of 'angles' the filament has to pass through in getting to - and - through the MMU unit itself.  I know the original design had the MMU unit leaning back since by default all the filament setups came from behind and when users are putting the printer go into the IKEA lack cabinets -  we see a number of us using the horizonal mount modification.  My question now is - has anyone tried angling the MMU unit forward (like facing down towards the print bed)?  The only draw back i can see right now are these:

1. the roller unit not staying open while servicing

2. cut filament going all over the bed.

I dont' see any mods for this and before i venture out to design it myself (and address the two issues above) i figured i would ask why it seems like no one has tried it. 

Veröffentlicht : 29/12/2022 12:10 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Question about changing the mount angle of the MMU

So here is what i am currently testing now.  seems to work with the exception of taking care of the clippings from trimmings:  140 degree MMU angle

Veröffentlicht : 31/12/2022 3:00 pm