Is it possible to control the speed of the pulley motor during loading and unloading? (related to noise)
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Is it possible to control the speed of the pulley motor during loading and unloading? (related to noise)  

Yun Seok jea
New Member
Is it possible to control the speed of the pulley motor during loading and unloading? (related to noise)

The first time I used the mk3s, the noise was higher than I expected, but I am using the silent mode and am satisfied with the significantly reduced noise. I also think it's great that lowering the print speed can further reduce the noise.

-------------------- mmu2s pulley motor noise --------------------

But as I started using mmu2s, I was very perplexed by the sound of the pulley motor suddenly rotating rapidly when loading and unloading filament. The noise from the selector motor or idler motor is okay because it only occurs at the beginning, but the noise from the pulley motor is too frequent every time the filament is replaced. To reduce this noise, I first tried changing the mmu to silent mode, but still, when loading and unloading, the pulley motor turns quickly and makes noise. I thought it was something that could not be changed in silent mode, so I tried changing the setting value of the Prusa Slicer. I tested it by lowering all the speeds, and the result was the same. How to lower the speed (noise) of the pulley motor during loading and unloading? Does anyone have similar concerns as me? please help me.

Publié : 16/08/2021 7:46 am
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