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X Axis vs Y Axis  

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X Axis vs Y Axis

I was printing some stuff for my grandkids to keep them at least slightly entertained. Everyone loves the flex stuff. I came across this Articulated Lizard V2. I've printed a number of these types of things with little problem. Any loose sections of print that come loose is usually cured with a bed wash and retry. 

I'm printing with a MK3S with PLA @ 210/60. This print failed a number of times, mostly at the first section behind the head. All looks good, then the section comes loose on somewhere around layer 3-4. I cleaned the bed with soap & water, alcohol, then tried another brand of PLA, and finally tried some MagiGoo I had sitting around. The print was positionst tail to nose along the X Axis. Then I remembered seeing something about repositioning on the build plate. I resliced with PrusaSlicer along the Y Axis rear to front. No other slicer changes. I'm now almost complete with my second of 2 good prints in a row, using the same previous filament.

Now the question..... Am I just lucky, or does build plate orientation matter??

Veröffentlicht : 10/05/2020 1:00 am