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top surface irregularities  

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top surface irregularities



I downloaded a customized sign from thingiverse that the top surface looks rougher than I would like it to be.  The sign model has text embossed in the top surface which I think is the problem for me.  I have tried several settings to make a difference. 

Here is what it looked like using my normal MMU2S printout (which worked the first time!)


Notice the shininess variations around the letters. It appears that the extruder is making different patterns on the top based on the fact it can't draw complete diagonal lines.  These patterns feel slightly different thickness and certainly look different.


I tried enabling "Avoid crossing perimeters" and didn't make progress.  I also reduced the number of top layers so you fan see the pillowing.





I read that changing the fill angle to 0 might make an improvement.  Here is a failed print that shows the recessed text which would certainly change how the top layer is extruded.

I went into the model and removed the recessed text and reprinted.  This looks good because the extruder draws nice straight lines for the top layer before switching the the silver color.  This is not always practial as I want to emboss for instance on the top layer.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve the top black surface - shininess, , consistency, and texture?



Respondido : 02/12/2019 3:22 pm