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Soluble Support Structure  

Active Member
Soluble Support Structure

Hi there,

I'm currently looking for a good soluble support structure for ABS or PLA prints.
I read about HIPS with ABS, but a friend mentioned, he had a huge amount of problems with it. Mostly Oozing.
What about PVA and PLA?

What do you recommend, have tested? Any tipps for a beginner?
The printer still only have one extruder, so the material should have the same melting temperature. Which doesn't make it easy to decide.

Veröffentlicht : 08/10/2018 8:59 am
Eminent Member
Re: Soluble Support Structure

I have some esun PVA coming for my MK3/MMU2 tomorrow. I'm still fine tuning my MMU2 but I'll report back as soon as I get things figured out.

Veröffentlicht : 09/10/2018 7:14 am
Re: Soluble Support Structure

I've used inland, esun, and some other brand I forget right now - all of them "cheaper", but esun is a bit more.

#1: If you haven't recently baked it out, it won't work quite right. I store under desiccant, even so baking helps.

The eSun stuff dissolves better, too. I've been trying to work my way up to PVA by trying TPU's. I fear the higher temps for PLA will make PVA harder to get figured out, but it IS the plan.

I maintain an informal list of San Diego, CA 3D printing enthusiasts. PM me for details. If you include a contact email and I can add you to the informal mailing list.

Veröffentlicht : 12/10/2018 9:17 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Soluble Support Structure

Gonna follow this guys are braver then me.

Two rolls of primeselect pva+ waiting in the wind if we ever get this mmu more reliable. But no official primeselect slic3r profile???

I have a food dehydrator that's repurposed for filament. So I'll be able to keep it dry. I also plan to get a plastic container big enough for 1 roll of pva, desiccant, roller to be able to feed pva directly in to mmu2 while keeping it dry.

But Im scared to waste expensive pva on print error a user can't recover from, like a layer skip.

Prusa MK3 preassembled (R2/B6) > (R3/B/7)
Prusa MK2.5 kit > MK3 > MK3+MMU2 (R3/B/7) 😀
Prusa SL1 3D printer + Curing and Washing Machine (day1 order)
Delta 3ku

Veröffentlicht : 12/10/2018 10:04 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Soluble Support Structure

Gonna follow this guys are braver then me.

Two rolls of primeselect pva+ waiting in the wind if we ever get this mmu more reliable. But no official primeselect slic3r profile???

I have a food dehydrator that's repurposed for filament. So I'll be able to keep it dry. I also plan to get a plastic container big enough for 1 roll of pva, desiccant, roller to be able to feed pva directly in to mmu2 while keeping it dry.

But Im scared to waste expensive pva on print error a user can't recover from, like a layer skip.

Don't be so scared, it is only support material. I have been using the same 1KG roll of PVA for 8 month, and still have around 200g left lol.

Veröffentlicht : 13/10/2018 1:15 am
Reputable Member
Re: Soluble Support Structure

Ofc you are correct..... and I would try if I had a project that really needed it.

But shouldn't there be a profile for filament they sell on their website as:
"Tested and recommended as soluble supports for our Multi Material upgrade."

Prusa MK3 preassembled (R2/B6) > (R3/B/7)
Prusa MK2.5 kit > MK3 > MK3+MMU2 (R3/B/7) 😀
Prusa SL1 3D printer + Curing and Washing Machine (day1 order)
Delta 3ku

Veröffentlicht : 13/10/2018 1:24 am